Tuesday, July 30, 2013
the sun is shining beautifully, strong, bright and powerful - whether I can see it or not
just because it is cloudy now doesn't mean the sun is not shining, I just can't see that it is.
our perceptions are not always correct.
I like that. I like that I know the sun/Son is shining even when I can't *see* it.

Monday, July 29, 2013
B.M.W.B - For Others
I always remember in the pre-school years how none of the cool holiday activities were aimed at the under 5s but all our regular things stopped because of the holidays.
This holidays I wanted my boys to do something for some under 5s we love, but for it to be fun for them too.
So we/they run a cupcake decorating class for 3 little friends. I made a pin board of some simple ideas and we chose 4 of them to 'teach'. I forewarned the boys that we had to be prepared that they might not actually follow the directions.
They did a really great job and so did the little friends - who followed the designs very carefully - even though they just wanted to lick the icing off and be done with it! I had all the cupcakes pre-iced and all the bits prepared in bowls. Note: the oreos were a dog to work with and none of the owls worked because I pre-prepared the biscuits the night before they all fell apart on the day.
Still the others were lots of fun and I think the boys felt proud of themselves. I so want them to have that good feeling of helping another person have a good time.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
sandpit conversations
Flip: just pretend it's a sewage dolphin, it swims in sewage and everyone loves it
Bounce: here comes trucks, they're picking up the trucks
Flip: okay we'll drive over the sewage, watch out dolphin! We need more rubbish, rubbish alert, rubbish alert!
Washing has been dried on the line, coats of varnish on a project and laughter from the sandpit..... the promise of Spring hangs in the air and the holidays draw, sadly, to a close.
Happy Friday, Sad Friday (I love the holidays)
and just for good measure some of my favourite holiday shots - four square men, a very special little moment between Flip and Stella's little E, shark attack, and seriously, don't follow me - follow Jesus!....
Love you more than a sewage dolphin xx

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Make My Week - Sketch by Stitch
I have these dreams of one day being able to draw a picture I'll feel really pleased with
in the mean time, I stitch
This is something for a friend.... if she wants it. It's based on a verse I love in Job that says, but He knows the way I take, when he has tested me I shall come forth as gold.
These trees are based on something I pinned showing how to 'sketch trees'.
I do love single coloured stitching and it's nice to work on little projects, especially ones that are easy to travel with.
Also my humble effort for the Hottie Project - keeping children warm in Christchurch
Joining in with the lovely Leonie and other cheerful crafters
Love you more than an op-shop box filled with embroidery floss xx
I took the photos at night so I played around with them - that's why they all look a little different. In real life the fabric is a similar colour to unbleached calico.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
The Adventure Forest - Northland
I'm going to highlight a couple of places that we really enjoyed, because when we are planning these kind of trips I always look for bloggers who have written about their personal experiences of places. I find these kind of reviews more helpful/interesting than the standard 'tourism' websites. Not that we received anything for my opinion (I should have got more organised!).
The Advencher (as Flip spells it) Forest is just out of Whangarei. We pulled up on a Tuesday morning -during term time! - to find it opens only on weekends and in the school holiday, outside of those times it's appointment only.
Fortuitously Francois was there doing some maintenance and opened up for us. So us four had the run of the place. Francois was so wonderful. He explained everything really well and he had a great way with the boys.
Because of height restrictions Bounce was only allowed to go on the 'Tamariki Course', so after an initial warm up both he and Flip had a go around this.
The 'Tamariki Course' was excellent. It was challenging and fun for them both and they both did an excellent job on it.
Because Flip could reach to the 1.5m line he was also able to have a go on one of the higher courses. (There are several courses in this category and another couple for those who can reach 1.8m). He and The Atlas did the higher course together and it was really high.
He was really brave on the course - it would have been challenging to me as an adult.
I was so impressed with the variety and challenges in the courses and the care, teaching and set up they had.
If you're ever around that way it gets our triple tick. We loved it

Monday, July 22, 2013
B.M.W.B - Anyone for Chess?
I won't play Monopoly, even though Flip loves it. I just can't play a game where the point is to bankrupt other people. It feels too harsh - I still remember playing a game as a child and my mama had to mortgage a property - yeah, I felt that sad. A counselor may have a lot to say about this......
anyway, I don't like chess either - not for any moral or emotional reason. I just don't like it. Flip loves it.
so on holiday I played chess with Flip at Haruru Falls in the campground. I didn't have to try and lose because actually, he could beat me fair and square.
My favourite bit was watching the boys set it up.
that, and corrupting Bounce to call them prawns instead of pawns. Somehow it feels a happier game when you are moving the prawns all over the place....
Hope you are enjoying the holidays and taking little stretches out of your comfort zone, to try new things with those little people you love so much.
thanks so much for linking in and inspiring me with your journey
love you more than a prawn at Haruru Falls xx
Sunday, July 21, 2013
28 and 29 of 52
and week 29 my wee penguins
Flip has cottoned onto the '52 project' and spent half the holiday saying, 'this would be a good photo of me mama' - this is him in Russell
and this little guy on a very cool swing at a certain special someone's home

Friday, July 19, 2013
isn't home just the best word?
that word is such a 'whole' word for me.
I am realising more and more how much my home is a platform for me - so much of who I am flows out of my home - having people over, baking, creating, playing family, snuggling with The Atlas.... being around the things I have made, the odd assortment of bits we have accumulated over time (none new), the books I love.... the word home evokes all this and more to me.... it's not about the building, it's about what goes on and comes out of the building.
I think that desire to nest is so important when you share your life, especially with little people. It makes me sad for the people who've had that taken away through the earthquakes here and through war, poverty and disaster elsewhere.
I have had such a good time away
and now I am home
happy in both
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Make My Week - Lounge Chair Makeover
and for a while I've been meaning to share this, so here it is
I love the shape of these chairs - they are so comfortable
Enter - fabric of my grandmother's (the chair was originally hers), fabric of my mother-in-law's and fabric from a skirt project, finally the chair was backed with an old sheet.
New chair and another piece of DIY, unique furniture
Joining in with lovely Leonie and the Thursday craft crew
Love you more than a staple gun full of staples x

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Best Things In Life - Giveaway
The shops are beautifully stocked
the shop workers (I really want to call them shop keepers) are volunteers
the prices are amazing
and they sell birthday candles that say this on the back:
These candles are hand made in Calcutta by a self help group for those who can neither speak, nor hear, except visually and others who cannot go anywhere, except in their imagination and yet who aspire towards self-sufficiency and acceptance as contributing members of society.
Isn't that just beautiful and heart-breaking all together?
So I bought 24 birthday candles, that I do not need, for $3.99.
But really how could I not? That's less than a cup of coffee and a whole heap more meaningful.
For 99cents each they also have number candles.
I decided I'd like to send them to someone who reads my blog - just because I can, and because these are quite possibly the best birthday candles ever. Who could not feel loved with birthday candles as special as these on a cake? Or, maybe they should just sit somewhere in your kitchen to remind you to count your blessings and make cakes for those who need to feel loved and accepted in the world.
Perhaps you just need to make a 'no-reason cake' and load it up with candles and say a prayer for all those in the world who need a voice and people to believe in them.
Leave me a comment and I'll put you in the draw. :o)
Love you more than chocolate butter cream icing. xxx
If you don't have a tradeaid near you - you can shop online here. (not being given anything for this except the good feeling of sharing the love!)

Monday, July 15, 2013
B.M.W.B - Thursdays
I'm already sad to wave these precious years goodbye
but I'm not giving them up without a grand enjoyment
Thursdays are our day
He sets the agenda
picks the activity
and I just tell him over and over how much I love our day together
this particular Thursday was at Orana Park (or Runna Park as he calls it)
excitingly there had been some flooding
and we went with a little friend
Him and I get a lot of time together but not all of it is wonderful, special, intentional time and so having Thursday set aside each week makes it extra special.

Friday, July 12, 2013
Photo Friday
I do love Christchurch so much
it's still pretty broken and there are lives and livelihoods pretty busted up... but it is beautiful, raw and we are resilient