Every Wednesday, Every Wardrobe Welcome.
Thanks so much for coming to play today
My shoes (mainly) live in our entrance way - I think they look welcoming don't you?? As you can see I have a little thing for heels. This is also the most black you will see in my wardrobe. :o)
The Atlas and I 'share' (see he has a few shirts at the end???) this rack - it has my coats and jackets on it.
The other rack is my dresses, shirts, skirts and 'formal wear' (in that order) - along with my wedding dress.
I'd love to have a proper wardrobe, we do have some plans for one, but - as much as I fear for the strength of the racks - it is a happy colourful view to me.
I do wear black occasionally but predominantly I wear colour and so I think my wardrobe is a good balance for me in that sense.
If I opened your wardrobe door what would I see?????
Wearing - dress homemade for my sister's wedding in 2011, lemon fishnet tights - hand me down, shoes bought in 1999 for my first job interview, pink train necklace homemade.
So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
- It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to have a 'play' in your wardrobe, to make yourself feel like life is worth dressing up for!
- It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement
Here's the button copy and paste away
Here's the button copy and paste away
In my current wardrobe you would see evening wear, football shirts and very few items of wearable clothing. Hopefully our ship docked yesterday and it's only one more week without my clothes :-(
Those shoes!!... speechless :)
yes there are a lot of them - many op-shopped though! :o)
you're looking pretty hot for a woman with no clothes! Just sayin'
What an amazing collection... And those shoes.... Oh the options you must have! You would see a drawer wiith a few tops amd a wardrobe with one or two dresses, a few shoes and a few jeans... All mostly in shades of pink and blue... Sounds exciting doesnt it :p xx
Little Miss 4 likes your red shoes the best !! !! Sparkles
nothing wrong with pink and blue! yes I do ave lots of options not that it stops me having a 'I've got nothing to wear' moment from time to time - ridiculous huh??
Me too they are my dorothy shoes - love them so much and I wear them quite a bit too
omg i wish you were my size! I LOVE the mary janes too, but how on earth do you get your shoes to last so long? x
I don't wear them that often x
I'm with Max, dreaming that I was your size! If only I was a few inches taller and a lots of inches skinnier *sigh*
You made that dress? that is wonderful - another skill I wish I had :( and if you look in my closet, you will see tons of color cordinated clothes - but in a very crampted space. I did my cleaning of it this weekend.
love your shoe collection and that dress is fantastic!!!
I might be the only one who can say this, but if you looked into my closet you would see that my HUSBAND has more clothing and takes up more space than I do. This isn't to say that he's some kind of fashionista; he just has dozens of variants of the same thing. Don't get me started on the 3 foot rack of cargo pants; I sure as heck can't tell them apart.
So crazy I'd put us at the same on size and height.... You have a GREAT figure!!
oh yes cramped space and running out of hangers that is always my thing but as you can see no colour co-ordination! :o)
thanks so much molly
ha ha this comment makes me laugh - I guess there are men and women who have that buy the same thing 100 times issue :o)
My hubs has more clothes than I do too. And everything is black,tan or gray. LOL But I do have more shoes.
Wow...just...wow. So many gorgeous colours, so many clothes, so many shoes...I think if I came to your house, I would sit and stare at them all day long, with a sigh of happiness and a silly grin on my face.
ha ha Deb said the other day my wardrobe/room was like a high class op-shop or similar. So funny!
You're flippin gorgeous outside and in, Miriam!
Sammy and I absolutely LOVED meeting you on Saturday - you are a ray of bright bubbly sunshine. I seriously think you should start doing the occasional vlog - only live action footage will adequately capture your vibrant personality. You are FAB.
oh thank you that is such a kind and generous thing to say!! I think a Vlog would just be an occasion for me to make an ass of myself but I will think about it! :o)
Well, right now if you opened my closet, you'd find a whole lotta laundry waiting to be washed. But above the laundry, like you, I have lot o' color! Love that darling dress, your skills always amaze me!!! ~Sarah
I love seeing other people's closets and how they organize clothing! You can see inside my closet here at http://librarianforlifestyle.wordpress.com/2012/06/09/librarian-by-day-closet-switcheraoo/
Jen @ Librarian for Life Style
Thanks so much Sarah xxx
Fun I'm going to have a look now
oh my gosh- love all the shoes!
i was hopping around from blog to blog and somehow found you :)!
im your newest follower and i can t wait to visit you again.
come visit me when you have time. :) www.kendrakaypahukoa.blogspot.com
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