But I wanted to turn my 'lofty ideals' into practical actions. So I decided to try and find one special thing each week to do with my boys. Something that was about them and me being together, enjoying each others company.
I hope these moments will fill the treasure boxes of their memories with joy and most of all I hope they will grow up with a strong sense they weren't just another thing I had to do.... but they are in fact a joy and delight in my life.
I like to post about these moments to keep me accountable and to hopefully inspire and encourage other mamas out there in cyber space that this 'job' we do is worth doing well.
Becoming the Mama I Want to Be
The wonderful ideas of simple things we can do with our children and the joy in the journey. This link is about becoming the mama you want to be.
We all have days that are tough and I'm not about denying the hard parts of the journey but I want to record the moments and days when we are becoming the mama's we want to be (not complaining about how difficult parenting is).
I live with The Atlas (man of my life married 1999), Flip my little number lover (born 2006) and Bounce my little talking machine (born 2008). Despite all the outdoorsy photos I'm an indoors-y crafty mama type mostly. I love in Christchurch, New Zealand - best city ever. You can find out more about me on the About page.
Go here to find the B.M.W.B posts :o)