Monday, April 1, 2013

B.M.W.B - Without the Camera

Little Bounce and I have a routine every Thursday I present him with choices and he picks what we do for the morning.

One of his favourites is Tumble Times and last week we went and I didn't bother with the camera I just chased him around, we chatted to each other, we laughed, we had fun together.

Sometimes it's easy for me to get stuck behind the camera and be so busy recording the moments that I don't get right into them.

I love that blogging has made me take so many more photos of my boys and the things I do but it's good to leave the technology behind sometimes.

I love my boys and that's what I want them to know. I want them to see my eyes, to hear my voice and to know I am listening to them when they tell me things. I'm very far from perfect at this but that is the point for me in recording this journey - being intentional and becoming closer to being that mama I SO want to be.

To keep you entertained I've thrown in some self portraits of our family, cause you know we're gorgeous (**wink** !!)!

Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's value and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. 

Create Hope Inspire

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be

I look forward to seeing your linkies this week. The code for the button is just on the right ------------>

Oh and make sure you tune in tomorrow for a wonderful giveaway! :o)


Jess B said...

Yes indeed, you are beautiful! I was thinking about the same over the summer - I didn't blog too much because I was just enjoying our time together. I thought a lot about trying to find a balance between taking photos ("for the blog") and just being present to watch and enjoy. You're right - our kids need to see our eyes, not our lenses!

Ginx Craft said...

I know what you mean. I made my kids a Easter treasure hunt, and was so busy snapping them, that perhaps I was missing just being in the moment. "Look like you're perplexed at that clue but working it out together", I heard myself saying. Blogging may have slightly taken over.

Hootnz said...

Love the family pics :) and I understand what you're saying, I'm forever trying to find the balance x

Leonie said...

It's such a catch sometimes isn't it? Wanting to capture the moment, but also needing to experience it. Gorgeous family x

Sammy said...

Linked! I love this linky series xxx

Sarah said...

Hi Miriam - I love this linky sorry not to post this week - a little behind with my blogging. However I have totally stolen your ideas and linked this post on my 'favourite reads of the week'. Thanks heaps Sarah: