Every Wednesday, Every Wardrobe Welcome.
Welcome ladies - it's is great to have your company today.
This week I'm taken with the idea of inviting someone to have a rummage in your wardrobe. How many times do you stand in front of your wardrobe in your underwear unable to see the wood for the trees - while your 6 year old comes past strokes your bottom and comments 'you have a squishy bottom' (oh, so that is just me???).
Do you pull the same old favourite out again or do you pull out that great item you love but you aren't sure how to wear - before you sigh and pull your jeans off the floor?
This week I had my sister over and she did pretty much that very thing but with my fabric box. It was so inspiring. I needed someone to be able to see past the ideas I had when I bought some of the fabric.
I had one particular piece that I loved but I was about to get rid of because I didn't like my idea for the fabric but I couldn't 'see' anything else to make it out of, enter her inspired idea 'make a maxi' and now here I am - one Sunday afternoon and an evening sewing and I'm done!
Now I have at least 2 other great ideas that came from her suggestions and her pulling things out of my wardrobe that I could pair them with. I also really enjoyed Kelly's post last week where she took a citron coloured skirt and worked it 5 different ways - there are a couple of tricky garments in my wardrobe I really need to do that with too.
I think I'll invite her over again and do a big wardrobe overhaul and let her style me from my own wardrobe.
I love how I gather ideas and inspiration from your wardrobes when I visit. And for those who aren't quite ready to share their style yet but still visit and leave encouraging comments thank you so much I so appreciate your company. And it turns out most of us prefer a covered cleavage!
My outfit for the week:
Dress - made on Sunday from a pattern and 2 fabrics all languishing in my stash - Free! more info about it tomorrow for Make My Week. Sash can tie front or back.
Cardi - Glassons
Shoes - The Warehouse cheapie flats
Earrings - made by me
Sunnies - $3 (who can be bothered with expensive ones that will get sat on or lost?)
Cardi - Glassons
Shoes - The Warehouse cheapie flats
Earrings - made by me
Sunnies - $3 (who can be bothered with expensive ones that will get sat on or lost?)
- It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to have a 'play' in your wardrobe, to make yourself feel valuable.
- It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement
Here's the button copy and paste away
Here's the button copy and paste away
It looks AWESOME! You know you are going to get excellent comments about that dress! Maybe I'll brave the Mac and do some posts so I can join in next week. I hate not having my computer.
Fabulous maxi... love the colours, really feels like Spring. Well done :)
Be nice to have you join in!
Thanks - I was really pleased with it
Awesome! What a great dress. You look great, of course. :)
Love the dress - looks great on you, and the pop of yellow is so spring-y.
I'm definitely a predictable dresser, despite having a closet full of lovely things...I need to get brave and step out of my style rut - again.
I also need to get my nana's sewing machine fixed so I can give some serious sewing a go.
It looks great - blues and greens really are your colour - and I love the obi style of the belt and that you could wear it tied at the front or the back. I so need to go through my wardrobe too, this was a good reminder :)
Gosh I love that fabric! Great outfit.
That dress is gorgeous and colourful...so clever of you. x
Wow! You made that? Absolutely gorgeous. I love the colors. And I had to laugh at "squishy butt" my daughter once told me that the back of my legs looked like a video game. Kids!
Adore this new dress, Miriam! Just think... you're only one in the world with this maxi, one of a kind!!! ~Sarah
P.S. Thanks for doing such a great job with Wardrobe Wednesday!
Thanks Jess - always the encourager :o)
Will you start by patching your lovely jeans?? ;-)
Thanks I love the way the sash works
Thanks so much. I do love the print
thank you! I do love wearing colours
that is hilarious! I love the things my boys say - the hubby might get in trouble for the same comment though
Thanks Sarah - you are so lovely. Your comments always make me smile x
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