Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday -18 - I'm Being a Rebel! Make My Week #18

So the theme for the month is a REMIX - which means I am supposed to choose something from my wardrobe and work it a different way each week.....which will be a great challenge for me because I'm a variety lover - as in, I'd like to wear something different e.v.e.r.y day

However, I digress, I will join on this (when I choose what to remix) but I needed to show you my new dress.

This is my 'Let's Hear It for the Boys' dress. I was given this fabric from an old-fashioned stash and originally I thought I would make something for the boys from it but then I got a little inspiration and decided to use this sexy wiggle dress pattern again (with a straight neckline this time).

The fabric has a great little texture in it almost snake-skin-ish but really miniature.
So I'll remix next week!

In the mean time check out other lovelies here
Wardrobe Wednesday at 

Outfit - dress -$0 all from stash, Belt- $10 on sale from Dotti, Shoes $2 NZ made, Over-cardi thingy Op-Shop hand-me-down.


Notchka said...

Looks like you remixed it - the red cardi makes it look like a skirt? What is the print - the dress is drop dead gorgeous. x

Hootnz said...

that dress looks lovely on you, very flattering shape:) I also agree with nin, the cardi does make it look like a skirt!

Gail said...

You are clever! Great colours too!

Catching the Magic said...

Gorgeous! And I thought it was a skirt at first too. Love the way you wear so much colour with such flair :)

Leonie said...

Go you - love the red cardi and cute dress :)

Unknown said...

I'm in agreement with the comments above - it is a remix! You are such an amazing seamstress!

Miriam said...

I think because it is a good shape for me it works. I like the yellow in it too. The print is old school racing cars

Miriam said...

Maybe I am remixing after all!!!

Miriam said...

Thanks - making clothes is easy than it appears from the outside I assure you - the way I sew anyway!

Miriam said...

Thanks - I do love colour it makes me feel happy!

Miriam said...

thanks the cardi helps to pop the red out of the print I think

Miriam said...

Not too amazing I promise I just don't show the close ups!

Jen said...

Like Sarah I thought it was a dress at first!

looks lovely on you :)

Mezz said...

love the dress! (and the blog!) i think you've inspired me to try nad make myself a dress too (something ive been scared of for far too long!) Mezz

Roz said...

Feeling really inspired by your stitching cleverness. The colour and style totally suit you.

Anonymous said...

You look great, love that you have used the fabric that was for the boys! The cut suits you so well, you are a brilliant seamstress! Have a brilliant weekend xx

Miriam said...


Miriam said...

Thank you - it's really comfy too!

Miriam said...

It's so satisfying and a lot easier than you might think. Stoked to think I might have inspired you!

Miriam said...

Thanks! I do love a wardrobe full of colour!

Miriam said...

Thanks and to you! I love using fabric in unexpected ways

My Handmadehappiness said...

I love the fabric choice.... And you soooo suit the wiggle!!! x

Miriam said...

It's great when you find a shape that works for you. The wiggle is good for me but not so practical for bike riding unfortunately! :o)