
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Bookish - Women of the Dunes

Hi, hi,

Can you believe how fast the year is speeding through?!

I recently finished reading Women of the Dunes by Sarah Maine. 

Set in three time periods in Ullaness, Scotland. The legendary woman Ulla 800AD, Ellen 1890 and Libby the archaeologist – what secrets and difficulties unite them and how much of the legend is true?

I really enjoyed reading this book. I appreciated that the main story was Libby’s but there was enough of Ellen’s story and Ulla’s story to tighten the modern narrative and some twists that were unexpected.

I enjoy Maine’s writing style. The characters felt nuanced and there were some great characters in the book and some lovely moments between them. I was sad to finish it. I thought a lot about the characters while I was reading it, guessed at what might come next and would definitely pick up other books by this author.

love you more than the stories history may or may not confirm xxx

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