
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Bookish - The Rest of Me


Katie Marsh’s book The Rest of Me was a really interesting exploration of what it is to be a family and how the roles we take in a family can unintentionally limit us.

Alex is the one who always copes, she is the one on who all the responsibility rests and she needs to be well. So how does she cope when her husband is suddenly well after years and she isn’t well? What does it take for us to live honestly with those around us?

And maybe there’s a lot worse than the worst that can happen.

I think this story will appeal to many women who want to be good at all the things and are slowly dying under the weight of their own expectations. At the heart of it this is a story about honesty and about the very most important things in life… which are always relationships.

love you more than making peace with the past xxx

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