
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Bookish - All The Beautiful Strangers

Kia ora,

All these Beautiful Strangers by Elizabeth Klehfoth is another one that has recently popped to the top of my to-read pile.

The book follows Charlie Calloway, the one and only, heir to the Calloway fortune and unfortunate child whose mother disappeared 10 years ago. Charlie is back at Knollwood Augustus Prep School for another year, living her perfect life, only this year she's received a mysterious and coveted note from the As.

Will she manage to get through the difficult, demanding and dangerous initiation period or will she see her dreams, and possibly her school career in jeopardy? As her story unfolds things become much more sinister and the story of her mother begins to break into her life now.

This novel moves at a pace and has a strong thriller element to it. There were a couple of moments when I was sorely tempted to jump ahead just to make sure things would come right - I resisted of course, I'm not that kind of reader!

Some unexpected plot twists and another excellent YA novel that is filled with strong, get it done female characters. All These Beautiful Strangers is Klehfoth's first novel and I look forward to reading more from her.

Details - Penguin Random House, 16 July 2018 RRP$23.00

love you more than a paisley travelling case xxx

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