
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Make My Week - Vogue 8469

I find it very difficult to not just have a 'wee rummage' (you would not believe the teasing I get for the use of the word 'wee' in Australia! And it seems I use it a lot without realising!) through the Vogue pattern draw when I see a 'all patterns $5' sign.


So it is already ridiculously hot here - we have already had a day of 35 degrees! I am already going on about the weather - it is going to be a long summer of whinging I suspect! In the heat sometimes a lady just needs a good maxi so she can sit like a man and let the air circulate!

I saw this fabric at the same time when I was out looking for chair fabric (no dice on that - oops bought some things for a new dress instead).

I made it into a maxi shape by just making the skirt sections as long as I could with the fabric I had. I hit on the perfect length by complete accident - whoop!

Contrast sash from left over orange and I made the tie lengths equal rather than the pattern suggestion and tie them front or back - as you can see.

I cut the 12 which was the top size in the pattern but added length to front and back shoulder straps and graded out (by eye) in the bust and in the sash. I also lengthened the bodice under the bust as well to make sure the sash sat under the ladies.

Super pleased with this. Finished it on Friday morning before school and wore it Friday and Sunday - it's so good. It's all I can do not to wear it every day. I love the fabric and colours and that even though the patterns don't match on the seams the lines at least do.

Also yes the heat and sun is so extreme I wear my hats inside now too!! (not really, but do you like my new hat? I do.)

Joining in with the makers here:
 Show & Tell Thursday's

Maxi dresses - love them or feel swamped by them?

love you more than air circulation xxxx

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Best and Most Beautiful

Even if I had a hundred Christmas decorations here (we currently have 4 that we have made and no others) I still would have bought this at oxfam today.

I especially love it when Christmas decorations like nativities and angels are portrayed in the culture of the maker. Of course a Zimbabwean angel would look like this and have beautiful dark skin. Because Jesus is a gift to us all, he meets us in a way we relate to - he takes on our flesh and understands the journey we walk.

Also look at the message about who made it, it was all I could do not to cry in the store.

One mother (me) partnering with Mai Stanley (Stanley's mother) helping each other to celebrate the most wonderful gift of all.

love you more than an angel on the tree xxxx

Monday, October 27, 2014

forty three

School fun run.

These boys just ran and ran and ran - so proud of them.

They both did the most laps in their classes and I love that they pushed themselves. (I think they get that from The Atlas! Although I did say to my mama at five, "there's no point running in a race unless you know you are going to win." Now I just look for someone to talk to and walk with!)

love you more than a full drink bottle after a hot run xxx

Friday, October 24, 2014

Book Week - How to Know You Are An Optimist

So today is a little tour through the stacks of books at my place.

When I started taking photos of these stacks I thought, only an optimist would think that they will be able to read all this and keep getting more books out of the library!

There are books under the computer - these are new and as yet unread (or just started)

some to review

some faith books

some crafty books

then there is the day I went to the library and every single book, (bar 2 - and of those 1 was for my son) on the hold shelf under our last name initial, was for me

and then there are a few others I grabbed just because they caught my eye

my current and the book we are currently reading aloud to the boys

plus there are a couple of different versions of the Bible I picked up the other day - just to mix things up

Despite all these piles I seldom read during the day unless it's while I am waiting for something - somehow reading during the day seems too indulgent.... or maybe it's a throw back from the first week of my maternity leave when I read 5 novels in 5 days and felt a bit booked-out,

 but I'm thinking if I want to make any progress on this pile I may need to allow myself some indulgent reading hours under the air-con.

How about you - are there books stashed around your house too??

I may have another book week when I make some progress into this mighty stack....

I'll be back in the weekend though to review some picture books that the boys are enjoying.

love you more than a whole day of reading in a cool spot xxxx

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Make My Week - Simple Sashiko

A little project from the latest CWA meeting.





all aspects of the design that appealed to me,

things I could do with more of myself

as you can see I have yet to wash away the lines for stitching over

joining in here
 Show & Tell Thursday's

love you more than peaceful moments in a gentle breeze xxx

Book Week - Cooper Bartholomew Is Dead

As a person I love surprises - to the point where if I get sent a birthday gift I don't take the outside packaging off in case they haven't wrapped it inside or I guess the gift from its shape. So when I am reading I kind of hate that I can't help guessing or feeling like I know where a story is going to go.

Cooper Bartholomew is Dead is sort of sad and hard right from the outset because it starts with Cooper's death and then it goes backwards and you start to love him and his friends and yet you know he's dead/going to die.

But it is clever and it is a bit of a thriller and I found myself thinking I knew where it was going and I was wrong, then I was right .. or so I thought and then I was way off track and all sorts of things in between. I was surprised in all the right ways of a well written book.

The story is told from 4 different characters only, each heading up short chapters throughout - sometimes in some kind of order, often not. Cooper, Libby, Sebastian and Claire - each with their perspective, each with a very different relationship with Cooper.

Did Cooper commit suicide? That is the official finding and only one person is asking questions. Is it desperate delusion or just clear thinking when everyone else is reeling in shock.

This book is aimed at a YA audience. It does have sex, drug taking and swearing in it but none at a level I found personally offensive. I guess on the whole those things felt contextual and part of the narrative rather than just thrown in to be 'cool with the kids.' I'm sure people will draw different conclusions about that.

This is a quick read I did it over a couple of days and I found myself wanting to read more and sort of dreading reading more as well as the narrative unfolded because it started with his death and you knew it wasn't going to be reversed - so even if all the questions were answered you still couldn't stop the death.

This longing for it not to happen speaks to the relate ability of the narrative.

A good read for getting lost in. A new author to me although she does have 2 other novels already on the market that have been very well received - her first selling in 52 different countries (that has to feel good as an author).

Details Cooper Bartholomew is Dead by Rebecca James published Allen & Unwin Sept 2014, RRP $19.99. Also available as an ebook.

love you more than a good surprise xxx

ps - I'll be back later today with something I've made and it won't be my CV which is what I really need to make at the moment!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Book Week - A Doctor's Dream

I found this book incredibly inspiring. Usually I find I have to read memoirs slowly and when I have time to focus carefully however I found this a much faster read, as far as memoirs go. I could easily pick this up and fit in a chapter here and there while waiting to collect the boys from school and such.

This book outlines the journey of Buddhi and Tanya and their children as they set out for Arnhem Land to deal with scabies. Supported by Sam Prince who is prepared to bankroll the mission to get rid of scabies and initially with the support of the Northern School of Medical Research they have good ideals but they have much to learn on the ground.

The further the project goes the more they realise the model they have is not going to work. This commitment to doing right by the people of Arnhem Land eventually leads to an incredibly positive outcome but it is not without fallout.

I think this book is a good one for any 'do-gooder' to read. Oftentimes I see a cause and feel stirred by it and want to donate/help out and none of that is bad but reading this has really challenged the notions and models of how that help is offered and made me engage more with what is achieved with good ideals and little understanding.

There are lots of turned corners in my copy of this book - pages that bring thoughtfulness and truth to what has essentially become an unquestioned model for 'helping' disadvantaged communities and indigenous people groups. Sadly the model has often been arrogance 'we have the answers, you can't do it yourself'.

Over the last couple of years in NZ I have been learning sign language and assisting with a small part of the sign language at our church. One of the things that the deaf team (as in the actual deaf leaders, rather than hearing helpers) was the value 'deaf can'. They reiterated to us that hearing people can actually disenfranchise deaf people by trying to do it all for them. Our eagerness to help can actually leave people without a voice and in the process lower their own self-confidence/esteem.

This book paints a similar story. It is about humanness, about true partnering, about appreciating the real skills that people have - even when they also have huge needs - and recognising that being a guinea pig for everyones 'projects of helpfulness' are not effective, sustainable or long term models.

I think this book has something for anyone who longs to be helpful, effective and human in the ways they seek to help others.

Details A Doctor's Dream by Dr Buddhi Lokuge and Tanya Burke. Published by Allen & Unwin September 2014. RRP $32.99 Aus. Also available as an ebook

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Book Week - Janella's Super Natural Foods + Giveaway

Welcome back book lovers.

Before we go on it must be noted I am not on the sugar-free, paleo, carb free, nut free, dairy free, gluten free, add your own train/s. I also have no food allergies and I am partial to a peanut butter sandwich on cheap white bread. I like steak and after a year as a vegetarian my iron levels were fine but my B12s were so bad I had to go on a course of injections - now I just eat meat.

Okay now you know these things here I am with a book all about natural foods.

In fact this book ticks most of the trains I mentioned above. It is predominantly vegetarian, sugar free, vegan, GF and many other 'free's' and it is meatless. (But there are suggestions and variations which include meaty ideas). Janella argues (nicely) for a vegetarian life that is free of processed crap (she put it more nicely than that) but the book is still packed with lots of tasty recipes.

This week I have made:

The Bicher Muesli - I liked it. Flip had a go but decided it was not really his thing. Nice and simple soak overnight and then enjoy in the morning. As a non morning person I like this approach.

Broccoli and Mint pesto - simple and quick to make stirred through wheat pasta (shhh don't tell Janella about that it was supposed to be spelt pasta). We all loved this. Bounce said - Mama this smells yuck but it tastes good. 

Bliss Balls - all the boys gave them a go. They all like them. I on the other hand keep going back to the fridge for seconds and thirds - I like them that much.

Also Vege Fritters - I think I over processed these a little so I needed to add more rice flour to firm them up and so they were more like a falafel texture than a fritter texture but they were very nice. Bounce said I like these mama but I think Dad will really like them. Flip didn't have them because he'd been sick so he didn't have tea. When The Atlas got home we had them in wraps with aioli and they were good - definitely one to do again.

and Kale Chips - these have real potential but I was a little (lot - oops) heavy handed with the salt. Also the Kale I bought was really past its best so I think that didn't help

I like that the recipes in this book are achievable. They aren't complicated to make although some of the ingredients are harder to source. But depending on how you shop already you may well have a lot of the staples already on your shelves. For starting out with these kind of recipes I recommend shopping in places that sell loosely/ in bulk rather than packets. This means you can buy just a little for a specific recipe rather than ending up with 500g of something you needed 2 tsps of and really have no idea how to use.

Will I make more things from this book? Yes I will. Probably not everything because I never make everything from a recipe book unless I have to, and it's my life so probably I don't have to, right?

Will I still make indulgent, 'wicked' recipes like double chocolate and raspberry brownies? Heck yes, I will. I am very lucky to have a family that doesn't have food issues and I love to bake and I believe in enjoying food and not feeling scared of or guilty about food .... but I do think there is more space in my repertoire for 'good' recipes.

I like the layout of the book but wish there were more photos of the recipes. It may be noted Janella and I could not share a wardrobe... but then who do you know who would share a wardrobe with me?

Things I have discovered making the recipes:

1. Hemp Seeds - which are used widely in the book are not allowed to be sold in SA
2. Goji Berries - 'super food' also known as Lycium barbarum costs $43 kg at the supermarket, $45 kg for organic ones at the health food store and $28 kg at the Asian food warehouse.
3. I'm not really a careful measurer - I already knew that but all the recipes turned out fine with my liberal approach so I am sure you will be fine making them.

If you'd like a copy of the book Allen and Unwin are prepared to send a copy to one lucky reader. You must have an Australian address or a lovely friend who will send it on I suppose (sorry non Aussie readers).

Leave a comment here and I'll do a draw on Friday or Saturday.

Details - Janella's Super Natural Foods by Janella Purcell. Published Allen & Unwin November 2014 RRP $39.99 Aus.

Fun right?

love you more than a bliss ball, or 4 xxxx

Monday, October 20, 2014

Book Week - How to Save the Universe in 10 Easy Steps

I always love the words 'Book Fair', 'Books Sale', 'Book Week'... are you sensing a theme?

So this week I am departing from my usual (huh, let's be honest my usual schedule has seriously fallen by the wayside of late!) to bring you a week of books I am reading. Reviews, recommendations and a giveaway.... that's how this week will look.  I'll still post some other stuff too - but I'm going to review a book each day too.

First up the holiday family read
How to Save the Universe in 10 Easy Steps by Allison Rushby.

If you like (or your kids like) a story with some fantasy elements and a universal disaster being imminent all while you discover you twin sister is actually an alien in disguise sent to protect you, because you are going to rescue the universe but no one quite knows how.... (okay take a breath here!) then this is the book for you.

I liked the writing style and my boys got the jokes. It's a crazy alien fantasy story but set in a totally ordinary setting and so it felt fun and exciting rather than weird.

Here are the boys verdicts:

Flip (8) - Three things I liked about this book are
1. When he gets attacked by slugs
2. When he finds out his dog can talk
3. When Cooper saves the universe
This book would be good for children who are 4+ or to be read on your own 7+

Bounce (5) - I like it when Molly turns the room into a new room. This book would be good for 4 and older, because 3 and 2 might think it's a bit scary because there are aliens. Children would like this story because it's a space story and because the dog talks and I like that.

Details - Allen and Unwin August 2014, RRP $12.99. Also available as an ebook.

Read aloud to 7+ and manageable as an independent read from about 10 (depending on ability). Thanks A&U for this super fun holiday read. Could you please send me some lozenges for my tired I had to read for an hour solid throat - I'd appreciate that!

love you more than a lucky crack (read the book and find out!) xxx

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Seriously 10 weeks left of this year??

This boy who has been sick but still smiles when you take his picture

and this boy playing in the fountain he was so happy

love you more than 10 weeks left for a solid finish xxx

Friday, October 17, 2014

Memory Lane

Sometimes you need to stop and look at baby photos with your boys before school. Because you need to remind yourself that you will look back on this day with joy and nostalgia just like you look back to 'those days'.

Because you all need to marvel at how cute they are.

Because they are still gorgeous.

Because a shared 5 minutes in the morning is gold for how the day starts.

love you more than a cool breeze on a hot day xxx

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Make My Week - Collaboration

As it turns out when there is a lot going on in my head there is less coming out through my mouth (which may or may not be a welcome relief to those who spend a lot of time with me, I'm not going to ask them - I prefer not to know these things!).

This week you have the wonderful efforts of Bounce and I in a 10 minute crafty frenzy on Tuesday morning before we left for school - because it is always the right time to craft.

Tinsel (he chose it when he had 20 c to spend at the op shop) and plastic baubles from spotlight + some ric rac from my stash.

Bounce and I are taking responsibility for decorating the house for Christmas this year. Given that we have only the boys small stocking with us I think we are justified to do some bauble making.

Also this week I offer up a fresh jar of broccoli and mint pesto which has come from a new recipe book I may be reviewing and giving away a copy of next week - heads up right?

Now that you are up to date with a half hour of my week you can head over a get a real crafty fix here!

 Show & Tell Thursday's

And just for the loveliness factor, this is what one of the birthday mamas emailed me of a pillowcase recipient.

love you more than only having to steam some spaghetti for tea xxx

Monday, October 13, 2014

forty one of fifty two

does anyone else find it weird that when four turns into forty it loses the u? just me then?

school holidays are the best

the best

I love them and I will not apologise for it

and I think these boys happen to be spectacular!

love you more than a short term xxx

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Good Place to Hide - reading that challenges

I actually received this book a while ago to read and review but I had to wrangle it off The Atlas who caught sight of it on my 'to-read' pile.

A Good Place to Hide by Peter Grose tells the story of a French community who refused to bow to occupation or to exclude others when they themselves were in need. It is a community that took risks, didn't ask questions or tell tales, a community who were prepared to put the needs of others before their own. This beautiful community was skilfully lead by 2 staunch pacifist preachers, a community credited with saving the lives of thousands.

This is the kind of book the world needs to be reminded of. In a climate of anti-refugees and closed borders and in a world where the news tells tales of genocide against minorities we have lessons to learn from this book.

As I look at the side of this book there are folded corners where I have nodded and thought 'I need to revisit these thoughts'.

No-one was turned away, no one was asked why they were there, and no one was asked if they were Jewish. They were unquestioningly supplied with false papers, including ration cards. p200

As a non-fiction account it isn't a quick read but it is a hopeful read, a challenging read and a book that resonates as much with our times as with the specific history to which it refers.

Even at the conclusion of war and occupation the community was encouraged and admonished to keep their generosity and gentleness towards the enemy as they had towards all who came to them in need during the war.

These coming tests will tell us all what kind of people we are. There will be those who choose the selfish life, who seek to profit from the suffering of others. And there will be those who will instead allow themselves to be swept up by a spirit of enthusiasm, sacrifice and devotion. p 229

I don't love war books and although I do like studying histories I generally avoid war and the atrocities of WW2 because it is so heartbreaking. Even with this attitude I found this book interesting and engaging. It doesn't labour the terrors of war instead it profiles and tells the stories of many wonderful and courageous people who were 'ordinary people' who chose to live extraordinarily during a terrible time for them, their country and others.

I love that the book included a 'whatever happened to..' section for some of the key characters.

This book is well written and very readable. There are times and dates and French locations and phrases but on the whole it is very accessible. If you want a book to inspire and challenge or if you love history I think you will really enjoy this account of a place I had never heard of.

Details A Good Place to Hide, Allen and Unwin May 2014. RRP $ 32.99 also available as an ebook.

love you more than a book that brings you hope and a kick in the pants at the same time xxx