
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Make My Week - Collaboration

As it turns out when there is a lot going on in my head there is less coming out through my mouth (which may or may not be a welcome relief to those who spend a lot of time with me, I'm not going to ask them - I prefer not to know these things!).

This week you have the wonderful efforts of Bounce and I in a 10 minute crafty frenzy on Tuesday morning before we left for school - because it is always the right time to craft.

Tinsel (he chose it when he had 20 c to spend at the op shop) and plastic baubles from spotlight + some ric rac from my stash.

Bounce and I are taking responsibility for decorating the house for Christmas this year. Given that we have only the boys small stocking with us I think we are justified to do some bauble making.

Also this week I offer up a fresh jar of broccoli and mint pesto which has come from a new recipe book I may be reviewing and giving away a copy of next week - heads up right?

Now that you are up to date with a half hour of my week you can head over a get a real crafty fix here!

 Show & Tell Thursday's

And just for the loveliness factor, this is what one of the birthday mamas emailed me of a pillowcase recipient.

love you more than only having to steam some spaghetti for tea xxx

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