
Monday, October 20, 2014

Book Week - How to Save the Universe in 10 Easy Steps

I always love the words 'Book Fair', 'Books Sale', 'Book Week'... are you sensing a theme?

So this week I am departing from my usual (huh, let's be honest my usual schedule has seriously fallen by the wayside of late!) to bring you a week of books I am reading. Reviews, recommendations and a giveaway.... that's how this week will look.  I'll still post some other stuff too - but I'm going to review a book each day too.

First up the holiday family read
How to Save the Universe in 10 Easy Steps by Allison Rushby.

If you like (or your kids like) a story with some fantasy elements and a universal disaster being imminent all while you discover you twin sister is actually an alien in disguise sent to protect you, because you are going to rescue the universe but no one quite knows how.... (okay take a breath here!) then this is the book for you.

I liked the writing style and my boys got the jokes. It's a crazy alien fantasy story but set in a totally ordinary setting and so it felt fun and exciting rather than weird.

Here are the boys verdicts:

Flip (8) - Three things I liked about this book are
1. When he gets attacked by slugs
2. When he finds out his dog can talk
3. When Cooper saves the universe
This book would be good for children who are 4+ or to be read on your own 7+

Bounce (5) - I like it when Molly turns the room into a new room. This book would be good for 4 and older, because 3 and 2 might think it's a bit scary because there are aliens. Children would like this story because it's a space story and because the dog talks and I like that.

Details - Allen and Unwin August 2014, RRP $12.99. Also available as an ebook.

Read aloud to 7+ and manageable as an independent read from about 10 (depending on ability). Thanks A&U for this super fun holiday read. Could you please send me some lozenges for my tired I had to read for an hour solid throat - I'd appreciate that!

love you more than a lucky crack (read the book and find out!) xxx

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