
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Book Week - Janella's Super Natural Foods + Giveaway

Welcome back book lovers.

Before we go on it must be noted I am not on the sugar-free, paleo, carb free, nut free, dairy free, gluten free, add your own train/s. I also have no food allergies and I am partial to a peanut butter sandwich on cheap white bread. I like steak and after a year as a vegetarian my iron levels were fine but my B12s were so bad I had to go on a course of injections - now I just eat meat.

Okay now you know these things here I am with a book all about natural foods.

In fact this book ticks most of the trains I mentioned above. It is predominantly vegetarian, sugar free, vegan, GF and many other 'free's' and it is meatless. (But there are suggestions and variations which include meaty ideas). Janella argues (nicely) for a vegetarian life that is free of processed crap (she put it more nicely than that) but the book is still packed with lots of tasty recipes.

This week I have made:

The Bicher Muesli - I liked it. Flip had a go but decided it was not really his thing. Nice and simple soak overnight and then enjoy in the morning. As a non morning person I like this approach.

Broccoli and Mint pesto - simple and quick to make stirred through wheat pasta (shhh don't tell Janella about that it was supposed to be spelt pasta). We all loved this. Bounce said - Mama this smells yuck but it tastes good. 

Bliss Balls - all the boys gave them a go. They all like them. I on the other hand keep going back to the fridge for seconds and thirds - I like them that much.

Also Vege Fritters - I think I over processed these a little so I needed to add more rice flour to firm them up and so they were more like a falafel texture than a fritter texture but they were very nice. Bounce said I like these mama but I think Dad will really like them. Flip didn't have them because he'd been sick so he didn't have tea. When The Atlas got home we had them in wraps with aioli and they were good - definitely one to do again.

and Kale Chips - these have real potential but I was a little (lot - oops) heavy handed with the salt. Also the Kale I bought was really past its best so I think that didn't help

I like that the recipes in this book are achievable. They aren't complicated to make although some of the ingredients are harder to source. But depending on how you shop already you may well have a lot of the staples already on your shelves. For starting out with these kind of recipes I recommend shopping in places that sell loosely/ in bulk rather than packets. This means you can buy just a little for a specific recipe rather than ending up with 500g of something you needed 2 tsps of and really have no idea how to use.

Will I make more things from this book? Yes I will. Probably not everything because I never make everything from a recipe book unless I have to, and it's my life so probably I don't have to, right?

Will I still make indulgent, 'wicked' recipes like double chocolate and raspberry brownies? Heck yes, I will. I am very lucky to have a family that doesn't have food issues and I love to bake and I believe in enjoying food and not feeling scared of or guilty about food .... but I do think there is more space in my repertoire for 'good' recipes.

I like the layout of the book but wish there were more photos of the recipes. It may be noted Janella and I could not share a wardrobe... but then who do you know who would share a wardrobe with me?

Things I have discovered making the recipes:

1. Hemp Seeds - which are used widely in the book are not allowed to be sold in SA
2. Goji Berries - 'super food' also known as Lycium barbarum costs $43 kg at the supermarket, $45 kg for organic ones at the health food store and $28 kg at the Asian food warehouse.
3. I'm not really a careful measurer - I already knew that but all the recipes turned out fine with my liberal approach so I am sure you will be fine making them.

If you'd like a copy of the book Allen and Unwin are prepared to send a copy to one lucky reader. You must have an Australian address or a lovely friend who will send it on I suppose (sorry non Aussie readers).

Leave a comment here and I'll do a draw on Friday or Saturday.

Details - Janella's Super Natural Foods by Janella Purcell. Published Allen & Unwin November 2014 RRP $39.99 Aus.

Fun right?

love you more than a bliss ball, or 4 xxxx

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