
Friday, August 8, 2014

What I'm Reading - We Were Liars

Started this morning, sick child at home - vomit bowl to rinse on occasion, house tidying mostly done, finished reading this afternoon. I love that YA literature can be so good and so easy to read.

I wolfed this book down - like you do with great novels. You enter in, you engage and then you engulf yourself in the book.

This is the first book I've read by E.Lockhart and I want to say I loved it but that's entirely the wrong word for the novel. I submerged myself in it and I was swept along with it.

At times I wanted to cry in shuddering gasps but I was tending a vomiting child and pretending to do a thorough cleaning job, so I didn't.

Very, very readable. Very, very engaging.

This is a story of families, their perfections and imperfections, their bravado and vulnerability. A story that tells the universal tale we are very few of us fully known by those who don't call us family.

I will leave you with this quote:

That is what the children know.
And they know that the stories about their family 
are both true and untrue.
There are endless variations.

Details - Published by Allen and Unwin July 2014 RRP $17.99 Aus also available as an ebook
Thanks to A&U for this review copy.

love you more than a peaceful healing day xxx

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