
Monday, August 11, 2014

Learning Together - I Have My Eye on You

This is a very simple way to help reading stay on track.

As texts become denser it can cause problems with keeping focused on the right word. These little googly eye readers are simple and fun to make. One ice block stick and one googly eye is all that is needed plus some glue if you don't have adhesive eyes.

As little person reads the eye on their stick matches the place where they find their eye in the text.

You can also have word races with these - call out a word from their word list, or familiar words page and get them to see if they can get their googly eye there before you.

Keeping it simple, keeping it fun!

Specific skills:
  •  help ease the frustration of a constantly lost place in the book 
  • on full page texts with faster readers it can be used as an under-liner
  • you can also use it to teach scanning skills by using it with full page text to scan for a sentence, phrase or individual words - being able to scan a text is a helpful skill as children progress further up school and need to find information to support arguements/thoughts/projects
  • fine motor skills - making it, manipulating it to point to each word

Learning Together a series for primary aged children and their parents - activities that break up homework monotony, promote skills and create positive experiences together.

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