This quilt is pretty much true of what I said above but I feel like it's a 'true quilt' in terms of the pure origins of quilting. It's made from scraps of love - some stash Cat sent me, some leftovers from the shirt dress I made, some off cuts of other projects, edges from the sashiko (which also features here) - all as an original quilt would have been. Nothing especially bought.
And the 'pattern' isn't a pattern it's just random pieces sewn together to make chunks that can be sewn together.
Finally a 'top' emerged and I found some cheap polar fleece (I know how criminal!) and some calico and basted them together with big red stitches.
Then I hand sewed in large running stitches of cream and blue until the quilt was all wonky and finished.
Instead of finding binding (my blue scrap fabrics are pretty much all gone) I simply turned over the excess of the backing and folded it in on itself. Then I slowly, carefully stitched it down to the front so the front looks bound and the back not.
I love this quilt - I like it's wonky imperfections and its 'grass roots' feel. It's not for everyone, my mama wouldn't like it at all - messy stitching, no precision, random blues jarring against each other, old fabrics everywhere - but that's really a reflection of me (and she likes me a great deal!), a whole lot of random.
It reminds me of course that God can take a whole lot of random and turn out a masterpiece.
I'm interested does this spin your wheels or make you quiver in your rotary cutter, healing mat, clean craft space?? I'm okay with it not being for everyone - for me it's one of the nicest quilts I've made.
Joining in with perfectionists, triers, messy, perfect, cheap and expensive crafters over here:

love you more than a worn to perfection handmade object xxx
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