Friday, July 11, 2014

On Being Accidentally Nonchalant

So it's Friday and The Atlas managed to get an afternoon off and we went to the central markets for lunch - with everyone else in Adelaide.

So the tables are scarce

and there is a man sitting eating on his own with 4 empty chairs around him

and The Atlas is suggesting we just go out and sit on a bench somewhere together but I want a table

so I wander over to the man and smile politely

'would you mind if we join you at your table?'

'not at all he smiles, I'm almost finished'

'oh don't let us scare you off,' I laugh. we all sit down around him and smile politely, saying our thank yous.

He makes a cute comment to Bounce about the size of his hot dog, finishes his mouthful and leaves. We thank him again and get on with the mess of consuming hotdogs.

Another market eater comes up and asks us how we knew that man.... we didn't we say, we just asked to share his table. The man gushes that was actually Charles Dance - although he could only remember his GoT name - Tywin Lannister (I think he was working up courage to go over and say hi, ask for an autograph, photo.... when we joined him and he thought we must have been family!).

Turns out friendly, polite man is also Game of Thrones actor Charles Dance and in Adelaide for the filming of Gallipoli.

So we were totally nonchalant and barged in on his table. Oops. You know us kiwis quite happy to share a table with anyone. If we were more hip and up with pop culture we might have known that ourselves - ahh well you can't win them all!

love you more than celebrity spotting xxxx

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Hee hee! Only you!
Thanks for giving me a laugh :-)
My recent post Round-up of the Finish Along Second Quarter
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
you can always rely on me for these kind of situations!! xx
Hilarious! But just goes to show what a nice man he is!!
My recent post Me Made May 14
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
yes indeed he was lovely and pleasant - yay for him.
I LOVE this post! Yay for you being normal and friendly :) And yay for Mr Dance too.
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
Friendly - hopefully I always have some friendly in my pocket to share - not sure I always have normal though!
What a great story...I would have been just as clueless too. Xxx
My recent post Ten on Ten - July Edition
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
yay for us - there have to be some uncool people aye? xxx
He probably enjoyed it, first being politely asked and then that you obviously didn't know who he was so he could interact quite naturally with you.
Well done on asking if you could use the table though, I've never brought myself to do that.
My recent post Tour de Fleece and Kitty Cats
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
hopefully he didn't feel overlooked! :o) Not sure The Atlas was as keen as me to share a table! :o)
You can have the best conversations that way! I did that once about 10 years ago inQueenstown at a pub hoping to watch a game of rugby. Hubby told me to go find a table & he'd get us some fish &chips. So wound up asking a guy on his own & sat down. Friendly as.Hubby looks over at me like I'm crazy. Turns out it was Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt.
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
awesome!! I love that, good for you. Sharing from the top to the bottom is how society works right??
So you! Great story and so funny - must have been nice for him to be normal! :)
My recent post I cant be free with what's locked inside of me
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
I suppose so, certainly not the celeb culture he's used to I would suspect!
Haha!!! That's amazing!!!
My recent post At the Holiday Inn
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
amazing and true :o) a fun mix 
reminds me of when i was working at fox glacier 5 years ago. a group of tourists booked a guided tour and their guide was an old guy (one of my best friends) who doesn't watch television and would rather go fishing or sit in a pub and have a beer.

anyway, he gives them a full day of guiding, acts like he would with any other group of customers and it's not until he's back at the base building and all the girls are giggling and acting very excited that he asks what the fuss is about and someone tells him it was ashton kutcher with his friends that he was guiding :)

i bet that group really appreciated being treated in such a "normal" way...

ps. i am just trying to think if it was ashton kutcher or... i may be mixing him up with someone, i can't quite remember, but even if it wasn't, it was some other young really famous guy that everyone in town recognised (maybe jake gyllenhaal? or ryan gosling? something along those lines) - everyone except this old man :).
1 reply · active 556 weeks ago
ha ha! Love it - that would be me too. Young or old I'm a bit lacking in the celeb knowledge department. They probably wondered why he offered to take pictures of them and didn't try to get in any himself :o)
Too funny. I showed this post to Mark too - love your innocence. I'm sure he did too :-)
My recent post 28/52: A wish fulfilled and 'by my own self'
Ha ha that's awesome :-)

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