
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wardrobe Wednesday - Saying Goodbye

Hello Lovelies - Today I have some big news

This is my last Wardrobe Wednesday hosting post!
I know, perhaps a bit of a shock...

I have loved having the privilege of hosting this linky. I have so enjoyed finding such a lot of new blogs to read and I have mostly enjoyed the glimpses into your worlds, the creativity with which you approach your wardrobe and your lives.

I have thought a lot about this - I want to be a woman who lives intentionally. I want to always have my ear tuned in to the still small whispers. I want to live in the right season and although I'm not entirely sure of the whys or hows I feel like this is the season to release the hosting privilege of Wardrobe Wednesday....

I am always going to love clothes and dressing up and wearing things in a way others wouldn't, but in order to hold onto my own peace and be ready for the mysteries around the corner I am letting go (if I am honest it has taken a little while to pry my fingers off the edges!)

I love and will continue to love reading other people's posts about clothes and I love that so many of you have blogs dedicated to looking your best (and not some super models best - applauding loudly!!).

I know a number of you are followers who follow along because of Wardrobe Wednesday and I really want to you feel like I won't be hurt or offended if you want to stop following because the other stuff I blog about isn't really fashion stuff :o)....(I'll still be sewing clothes though and joining in with wardrobe weds now and again though)

So with great pleasure and confidence I am handing this linky over to another lovely kiwi who I know will make you right at home... Hello Kelly! (I'm sure she'll send you an email reminder so you will be able to find her and change your button code next week)

I am planning to play along in the future but I am encouraging Kelly to make it her own just as I have done. We all have worthwhile things to say and I know she will too. Please show her the same kindness and encouragement you've shown me. Thank you SO much for joining in the Wardrobe Wednesday adventure with me - I.Have.Loved.It (really, really, really)

PS - last week I told you I had 48 dresses before I leave I wanted to say in my defence I have 5 pairs of pants:
2 jeans (both hand me down)
1 pair of trackies made out of polar fleece (self-made - a girl needs something for her snow trips!!)
2 pairs of shorts (also both hand me down)
and 1 pair of dress pants

How many do you have????

and just for fun I've just given you a whole lot of past clothes posts - so you really can see I do wear all.those.dresses!

Do link up and thank you so much for your delicious company I'll still enjoy sneaking in on your wardrobe posts along the way.

To a future filled with colour, self acceptance and celebration of the real us however we dress it :o)
Miriam xxxx


  1. I hear you about living intentionally. I've been thinking a lot about that lately myself. I'll miss linking up with you but will continue to follow along. :) Good luck in whatever direction you go next. xo Angela


  2. All good things come and go :-) Best of luck in your new endeavour and thank you for hosting the party once more.

  3. Oh Miriam!! Sad sad, but to celebrate your reign as fashion queen I shall join in one last time and go visit all the linkies tonight! ;)

    Even though I haven't participated I have SO loved your wardrobe posts!!


  4. Thanks so much Miriam for sharing this opportunity with me. I will miss your colourful outfits as often, but hope you'll be able to link up regularly. I think your weekly theme is brilliant and will definitely be continuing that along with the spirit of WW - inclusion, inspiration and invigoration!

  5. Good luck to Kelly! Will miss your regular posts on various creations and combinations! Always eye popping and gorgeous! PS I have two pairs of jeans, two shorts and one pair of trackies :)

  6. I was so terrified of joining in with WW the first time, but you made it so easy and were welcoming - thank you xx I love Kelly's blog, and I'm glad WW is going to a good home.
    As for pairs of pants that I wear:
    x3 trackpants, x3 shorts, x1 3/4s, x8 jeans, x3 other long pants

  7. I think you are fab.
    Your style is so uniquely You.
    LOVE. IT.

  8. Wow Miriam! I discovered WW here on your blog, YOU are why I joined in at first. And because of you and your super femme style I am so much more comfortable in dresses and playing around with my wardrobe than I was at the beginning! You have cured me of my jeans addiction. :) Thanks for being you, and all the energy you've put into WW. x

  9. Great looks! All the dresses are super cute and very unique!

  10. So sorry to see you go but I'm sure kelly will do a fab job too.

    Love all your outfits. And I'll see you "on the net" ;)

  11. Oh! Sad to see you finish - you've been such a wonderful host. I do hope we still see you around on WW's! Even though I've not been joining in lately (soon!) I always love seeing more of your fabulous wardrobe. :)

  12. aww, hope you keep joining in, i shall miss your happy outfits x

  13. I am so new to your blog through this party & I like to sew too so looking forward to your projects!

  14. So sad to see you go but I can understand wanting to let go of some of the responsibilities that go along with hosting such an event every week.

    I will be sure to pop around and say hi : )

    I am very jealous of your amazing sewing skills.


  15. Sorry to hear you are no longer hosting, just when I have found you but I am pleased you have passed the baton. Good luck with living in the moment.

  16. Awwww....this is my very first time to link up and now you are going away.:( It was great to see your favorite outfits, and I love your personality! Bravo to you for living intentionally.

  17. Awww, thank you for being such an awesome and fun WW host. Sad to hear that its the end of an era, but looking forward to lots more great posts from you.

  18. I'm going to miss you! Thanks for being such a great host every week. I'll still stop by to visit. :)

  19. Sad to hear you're leaving, but I can certainly understand. I can only imagine what a huge responsibility this has been!

  20. Oh man...I am always late to a I just found your link up last week and I am so sorry you are no longer hosting. I do understand living intentionally though. Happy trails. And you put together some fabulous outfits.


  21. Love love love that gauzy white/cream dress! You have a lot of pretty (and feminine) outfits :)

  22. Aw:( Thanks for being such a great host!!Way to stay true to yourself though;)

  23. firstly well done you! you did an amazing job hosting, and secondly good luck going forth! i will definitely be staying tuned to see more! and yay good luck Kelly, shes a great gal!

  24. It's all about what makes you happy. Blogging is a funny thing in general. Sometimes I love it and sometimes it sucks the life right out of me... I think it grows and changes just like we do and that's kind of the best part about it, along with the fantastic people you meet :)



  25. Oh Miriam I am truly sorry to hear that. I only found your link party a few weeks ago and feel as if I was just beginning to get to know you. I will certainly continue to link up with Kelly. Thanks for hosting every week and being so darn cute and fashionable!!

  26. Aw! I'll miss you as host, but it's understandable. Things all run their course eventually. I definitely hope to still see you around on the outfit link-ups!

  27. I'll miss you as host -- such interesting, introspective style questions and musings!

    Regarding trousers... I don't have as many pairs as I used to, probably because I'm getting more particular about fit. 5 pairs: grey, black, berry tweed, brown tweed, and dark beige.

  28. Miriam, how bittersweet! I have so loved your sweet and nurturing style as you've lead the WW charge. I will still be following along. Keep up the stylish work, Lovely Lady!!! ~Sarah

  29. I m sad to see you end this part of the journey, but I look forward to seeing what else God and life have in store for you. xoxo

  30. I'm sad to see this part of your journey come to an end, but I look forward to seeing what else life and God have in store for you. xoxo


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