
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tasty Tuesday and Totally Terrific Things

Clearly I have a bit of an alliteration joy at this current moment :o)

This week I'm show casing a recipe from the Eye-Candy-Licious book Little and Friday
It's the Rich Chocolate Tart - as well as being rather easy to make it is also rather easy to enjoy. I didn't make my own pastry because I'm a bit lazy like that. My lovely 'Great' Uncle (not sure the actual relationship but something like that) told me it was the best chocolate tart he will ever eat.

Other foodie gorgeousness over at Ange's place

Terrific other things I wanted to shout about today are The Sisterhood's kindness day coming up. I'm planning a chocolate bar letter box drop along the street with my boys and some kind of something else lovely.

Have a look for more info and see how you can dump a surprise kindness load on someone this Saturday.

 Dee is doing a totally amazing raffle/giveaway thing on her blog in honour of her brother's life. It's a chance to win a loved up couple of dolls and to make a donation towards Heart Kids NZ.

And if you are a Christchurch type don't miss out on some love for breakfast on Valentines Day
A hug or
A love song sung to you or
a love letter written for you

all for a gold coin donation - supporting  and raising awareness about World Violence Against Women Day
it's at Addington Coffee Co-Op 7.30am onwards - more info


  1. So many nice things in one place! Thanks sis for the bit of promo for LOVE 4 BREAKFAST! xx

  2. I am drooling as much as my baby, looking at that tart. YUM! Love the breakfast idea - fantastic cause.
    (P.S: the linky's open now!)

  3. What a fabulous post! It looks like you have a fabulous week ahead, and love all of the great causes you are supporting!

    :) Hazel

  4. That tart looks yum!! And such lovely actions coming up :)

  5. yum.. That I wanna get the Little & Friday cook book even more now x


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