
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Make My Week - The Valentines Edition

Lovely Kirsty over at The Make Cafe decided to have some fun and is running a hoopy-love challenge for Valentine's Day

So I decided to have some fun and practise my free-motion stitching. I used a variegated thread and I'm really pleased with writing I'm definitely getting more confident at it.

This is rather a little hoop just 6 inches - I was quite pleased with it actually. I'd actually quite like to do some more with other tacky foodie/love sayings....maybe I'll do a series.....

Joining in with other creative types at Show n Tell

 Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. I love it, I have a giant hoop like that I've been wondering what to do with ( since I can't embroider). I'm now thinking some nice pieces of fabric and a bit of hand sewing- thank you Miriam for the inspiration : )

  2. I love that saying, well done! Happy Valentine's Day

  3. That is adorable....did you free motion on the machine or hand stich?

    Happy Valentines day. xx

  4. Oh, I like it! It's so lovely. The cake is perfect!

  5. This is simply deliciously gorgeous
    I love it

  6. Howdy. Is that your hands on the hoop art or sister #1? very impressed by the nails...excellent.


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