
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hi There 2013

And here we are on the very edge of a new year 
- filled with a sense of something - 
anticipation? hope? excitement?  anxiety? possibility?

52 new weeks to experience

and a time for setting goals

for re-aligning ourselves

for setting our eyes and our ships towards the lands we wish to discover

I love the beginning of a new year, the sense of a fresh start, the time to think about what matters

This year I have goals and aims for sure, some concrete and others less so, but for me there is also a sense of making way - making space - and making room in my life for the unexpected things that He might have for me and for us..... in the face of the unknown I choose to trust.

I've written some 'loose' creative goals for myself which I hope to achieve but am not dominated by (never fear mama!!) - they are on my 2013 page at the top if you want to have a look.

Mainly though this is probably what you can expect here this year:

Mama Mondays - Becoming the Mama I Want to Be - this will be more of the same of last year but also a linky for people to join in on. Want to know more? Have a look here.
Create Hope Inspire

Tasty Tuesdays - I'd like to extend my baking repertoire (I do love baking and I do do rather a lot of it) so I am aiming to try a new recipe from one of these beautiful books every week of the year

Wardrobe Wednesdays -More of the same whatever I'd like to wear, whatever you'd like to wear and a whole lot of loving each other for it :o) 

Creative Thursdays - is the day I'll share the creating I'm doing - most weeks but maybe not making something every week like I have for the last 2 years. When I do I'll be joining in here.
 Show & Tell Thursday's

Grateful Fridays - taking time to be grateful for the goodness in my life. When I do I'll be joining in here.

So that might sound like a lot of posting but I'm happy to take it easy on the bigger weeks and busy seasons and let things slide. And every now and again I'll just post about whatever ramblings come into my mind. And over the summer I might not post as frequently. Okay?

Do you have goals for 2013?

and seeing as it's Tuesday!! here is my first recipe - fresh from the Frankie recipe book (bought for $2 in Melbourne) Yo-Yos or Melting Moments. First time I've ever made them.

Bounce likes the 'Yo-Go's' but he's keen to check I'll still make his favourite chocolate chippies now and again.

Later this week I'll be posting a bit about my 'words' for this year. 


  1. Happy New Year to you. We are still a few hours away.

    I love the idea of a Frankie recipe book, as that is my daughter's name, and she wants to be a cook when she grows up.

  2. Love that top photo - stunning! And the yo-yos look delish. x

  3. Mmm yum! and what a great list! Looking forward to joining you when I can! xx

  4. Happy New Year...Looking forward to seeing what you guys get up to this year. xxx

  5. Angie of Tall Short and Tiny has a linky for "Fun with Food" on a Tuesday :D
    Love your list of things you'll be posting about - I'm about the same ummmm maybe not too often with Wardrobe Wednesday LOL
    Oh and I'll be joining in with Sunday Snippets too
    ps: yes I'm following you here

  6. thanks ladies for your lovely comments! With the pop up box I don't seem to be able to reply individually like I used to :o)

  7. I didn't know you had a blogger blog! Have switched over and am following you here now too! Happy New Year!

  8. Happy new year Miriam!
    I'll be following you here too!

  9. I love yo-yos/melting moments too. Glad to clear up that these are in fact 2 names for the same thing. Once again you are sorting the confusion in my mind!! One of my goals for 2013 - less mental comparison, wanting the best/praying for people I find harder to like.

    Random UK fact someone clarified for me last night: the difference between cottage pie and shepherd's pie- one is cow, the other is sheep. Who would have known?


Hi - if you comment from a mobile device I'll be able to read it but it won't show up because I use intense debate for other comments. I'd still love to know what you are thinking :o) xx