
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Year That Was

In comparison with 2011 this year has been so much more settled. 

I felt my word for the year was contentment and I feel like to a great degree that is the word that settled over my heart and my home. I came to greater peace and satisfaction with the roles in my life - the mother I am and I am aiming to become, the craft-er and sew-er I am, the person I am in the body I occupy.

In my blog I managed 52 posts about Becoming the Mama I Want to Be, 

52 Wardrobe Wednesday posts and 

52 Make My Week posts. 

All of which have been a great delight to do and none have felt like a chore.

I want to thank you for being on the journey with me this year and I hope you will continue to add your voice of encouragement and find this to be a place of joy and encouragement in 2013. 

Tomorrow I'll let you know my hopes and aspirations for the new year. 

Miriam xx


  1. Aww, glad to hear you've had a super-fulfilling year Miriam! And thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog the other day, it meant heaps to me. Happy New Year! xx

    1. thanks heaps Zoe and I really meant every word of what I said x

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family Miriam. May 2013 be blessed and filled with lots of happy contentment, and may you achieve, grow and be more of what and whom you strive to. God bless and keep you all safe xx

  3. Happy New Year Miriam! Yours has been a blog that I have been very happy to stumble across and follow this year. Every post is encouraging and uplifting. Your beautiful personality shines through easily - and I have never met you, so that really says something, I think! I look forward to another year in this wonderful bloggy place you have created. x

  4. Have a wonderful 2013 amazing lady!


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