
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wardrobe Wednesday - Fashion Resolutions

Every Wednesday, Every Wardrobe Welcome.

Hi Ladies

Happy New Year

I'm taking my resolution straight from the gorgeous blog of So Zo -  Focus on creating a look that bridges the gap between what I feel comfortable wearing and what I would ideally like to dress like. for me that translates to wearing and intentionally dressing more and more the way I love to dress. One day when I'm on TV and the credits roll I'd really like it to say 'Miriam dressed by herself' :o) 

I'd love to know your goals for the year - more colour? 
more accessorising? 
more adventurous?

less spending? 
less agonising? 
more body love? 
do share....

The dress I just made (for more about this dress tune in tomorrow)
Shoes -op shop made in NZ
Earrings from Felt
Glasses dotti

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
  • It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to have a 'play' in your wardrobe, to make yourself feel pretty/ stylish/ like a woman or at least not slummy!
  •  It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement

Here's the button copy and paste away
Create Hope Inspire Wardrobe Wednesday
Thanks for joining in :o) 


  1. I agree with your statement (she types in her pjs and ugboots) but I'd like to consistently dress more in a way that reflects 'me'.

  2. Hello, I am coming over to your different blog!

  3. Ha ha I love it types in her ugg boots!! Thanks for coming over Alex :0)

  4. Happy New Year to you Miriam - and thank you for hosting as always! (Btw how gorgeous are those red n black polka dots??)

    I hadn't given much thought to goals for the year... to create a balance between loving my body and looking after it with good food and exercise to make it the best it can be. It's what I try to do anyway - does that count...?

    Catherine x

  5. I really want to try and work on wearing EVERYTHING in my closet. I need to be better about remixing my clothes into different outfits. I look forward to trying that this year. :) Happy New Year!

  6. I really love the polka dot dress, and I want those sunglasses - just fabulous! Thanks for hosting the hop!

  7. My fashion resolution for the coming year is to reinvest in some basics and major gaps in my wardrobe. Love your shades! :)

  8. That dress is just beautiful! This year I want to hopefully make a lot of handmade dresses and thrift more for vintage clothing. It's good to be back here again.

  9. Adore the vintage vibe! So cute.

    I guess my style resolution is to wear more belts. More accessories actually. I don't add enough finishers.

  10. Gorgeous in red. Happy New year , Miriam.

  11. haha, I love your blog posts Miriam! Can't wait for you to be on TV!!!
    love the dress

  12. Umm I can't think of a specific goal I have around wardrobe, but I think its awesome that you are that organised!

  13. I'm so impressed by your sewing skills - that dress looks fabulous on you!

  14. Totally agree with Amy! I need to remix my closet and only purchases things that fill a void in my wardrobe!

    Love that polka dot dress :) Thanks for hosting!

  15. In 2013, I want to wear more dresses

  16. my resolution is definitely to spend less this year on clothing and get the most out of what i already own!

  17. Oh my! That dress is DIVINE!


  18. I will look for your name in lights, Miriam! I always love your attitude of self-love and promotion of creativity. My goal in the new year is to aim for variety and to experiment more. Get ready to see some crazy things shared on Wardrobe Wednesdays!!! ;) ~Sarah

  19. Such a beautiful dress! It fits you like a glove. My style resolution is to make better use of what I have and update some of my basics. Not exactly exciting but it's what I need.


  20. Hello, hello! I nominated you for the Liebster award {Sorry if you've been nominated before or if this isn't your thing}!
    Happy Wednesday!

  21. My goal for the year is really just to keep dressing intentionally; it is SO easy (as I found out last week) to fall back into yoga pants and a grubby old t-shirt. I'm actually considering getting RID of them just to keep myself from doing it; I have a closet full of nice clothing that I don't wear because I don't want to "ruin", but no idea what I am saving them all for!

  22. My style resolution is pretty similar to yours - try to find the middle ground between my comfort clothes and how I want to dress in my head. I think I've made progress this year, but there's still quite some ways to go.

    Also: less spending, and really trying to wear everything in my closet instead of always going for the same staples.

    That red dress is gorgeous. :)

  23. Love the dress!
    I guess my biggest goal is to stay in budget this year. ;)

  24. Great dress Miriam - cant wait to see you and those credits roll one day xx

  25. Re inventing myself is one things on my agenda since turning 40 last July.
    I've started a blog

    But I'm guessing you are too young to be interested in it ;)

    Love this post - clothing is something I have to change and start looking into. Discover what is best on my body shape etc.

  26. Yay! I'm glad my resolution inspired and touched you too. Looking forward to seeing your 'play day' Wednesdays!



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