
Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy For

Yesterday it began to rain while I was at school helping to organise the end of year Christmas pageant (so not a pageant but when else would I get to use that word!!) I had washing on the line....

When I came home this is what I found - my neighbour rescued the washing off the line and put the pegs in Flip's cap and put it all under the verandah thingy we have. God Bless a washing fairy!

These 2 boys that love each other so much - The Atlas and I found them playing together with this suitcase one morning before school.

I love that the when a very large and exciting advent box arrived Flip decided to race down to his room and wrap a parcel for Daddy so he didn't feel left out - I so love that kid's generous heart.

I love that I have the best advent swap partner ever!! Leonie is one of those incredible, generous, over-achievers (love a good overachiever!!) - I am in for an AWESOME December.

The box also contained those 'air bag' packaging things which were joyfully burst as well.

I love that the box quickly became a boat for the teddies and then a table for a picnic afternoon tea and then a prop in the 'wipeout' obstacle course that the boys built.

And I'm also totally awed by our brains - I am learning lines for a performance next week and it kind of blows my mind that we can with a small amount of intention memorize and regurgitate lines we read - our brain is fearfully and wonderfully made indeed.

I love that it's Friday and tomorrow I proudly turn 35!! Halfway to 70 - bring it. :o)

I bet Meghan has an amazing collection of things she is grateful for too - her list is always cool.


  1. yay for the washing line fairy! Where has mine gone? my washing has been on the line for about 3 days :( haha

    1. Oh man that sucks!! You need to get your neighbour to read this post and take pity on you!! Ha ha

  2. What a happy post :-) Happy Happy Birthday for tomorrow - now we are the same age for a few's a great age to be I might add! I like being in my mid-30's. Happy weekend to you and that precious family xx

  3. What a sweet neighbor! My neighbor just grouses at me for parking too close to his bushes. And what a couple of handsome little fellas you have in that suitcase. As always, I am leaving your blog with a smile on my face!!! ~Sarah

    1. Sarah - thank you so much. As always I am smiling from your comment!

  4. Squeee I am so looking forward to seeing what everyone has received . . . . .
    Thanks for taking part in this years Advent Swap

  5. Such happiness! Happy Happy birthday for yesterday - hope you had a wonderful day! And yay for boxes that provide endless entertainment! Gave me a huge smile :)

    1. Thank you. I thought you'd be pleased to know it was the box that goes on giving!!

  6. Can't wait to see what the parcel contained...must be a whole heap of goodness. xx

  7. A HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR SATURDAY!!! Hope it was a great day for you :) xx


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