
Monday, December 3, 2012

And the Receiving Begins

I am a gift lover - I really enjoy buying/making/giving - it makes me very happy. On the flip side I also love to receive presents. Primarily I give and receive love via words but loving touch and presents also speak of love very loudly to me.
Day One
 So just right now and for another 21 days!!!! I am feeling (and so are my boys!!!!) very loved by a Miss Leonie Sunshine (x3). Each Saturday I'm going to share the love so you can see the wonderful things I've been unwrapping - because if you can't have the present at least you can enjoy someone else having them right?

Day Two Me

Day Two Boys

I know today is Monday but I wanted to start with the first three days.

Cat is the wonderful Advent Host and she has links on her blog if you want to go and check out other participants.

Day Three 

My Christmas tree is looking so awesome!!!

Also tomorrow for Becoming the Mama I Want to Be - I would love you to post in with any post (you don't have to have a link in it) of cool stuff you've done with your wee ones - any time this year. Multiple links welcome.


  1. how fantastic! i especially love those crochet baubles x

    1. I know they are amazing!! I am so excited by my handmade ornament laden Christmas tree

  2. Love that you're all loving it! xx

  3. What an awesome idea! We still need to buy our tree since we go for real ones. P.S. the book is a hit!

    1. I'm so pleased you are enjoying it Tammy! Yay

  4. Wow! Amazing goodies!! Love love love


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