
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Make My Week #48 - Advent Calendars

This year I wanted to make the boys an advent calendar to store the special advent activities we have planned, which are a surprise to them.

This coming weekend we are also having a special early celebrations with some other families and each family brings a $10 gift for another family. So I made a second version as our gift.

The trees are made from felt with gold thread couched onto them (my first attempt at couching) and 24 buttons sewn on. I made our one first out of the lighter coloured felt and a random selection of buttons but I like my second effort better!

Then I made 24 little felt Xs with holes in the middle of them so each day a little decoration is added to the tree.

For the other family I added chocolates to each mesh pocket. Ours have numbered cards with the activity written on the other side of the number.

They are a bit random but I rather like them and I think the boys will like it.

On Tuesday I'll go through some of our advent activities but if you want a list to do something similar leave a comment and I'll email you our list.

Joining in with Our Creative Spaces - button and link on the right.

How's your Christmas making coming along??


  1. Hi Miriam, great idea! They're very cute. I'd be quite keen to see your advent list, if that's okay? I think you've already got my email address. x

  2. I love these - they are both gorgeous! I sat down last night and worked out all our Advent Activities for this year. I can't wait to start. Also have just done a heap of test baking today for Christmas. Love love love this time of year!!

    1. I am so excited about the sense of occasion and anticipation it will bring to the build up to Christmas this year!

  3. Great project! Love the idea behind it and it looks so cute. I am a bit behind on my preparations for Christmas but I do hope to get our place decorated next week:)

    1. There always seems to be more to do but it is a lot of fun

  4. So Cute, bet your boys with love it

    1. thanks I think it will be right up their alley!

  5. I'm sure they are loving it! and the recipients of the other one too! x


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