
Monday, November 26, 2012

Congratulations and a Request

The winner of the Caravan book is Tammy

also if you are a kiwi blogger please, please would you take 5 mins to complete this survey and spread it around your blogging contacts too - go on....

Have a beautiful day


  1. Miriam, I just sent off my reply and then remembered I forgot to add the main thing I'd be interested in:

    I'd like to hear other people tell stories about how blogging has changed their lives, and in which ways.

    1. Thanks so much - I love that, will definitely add that to the list of responses

  2. Yay :) Ooo got that survey in my emails last night, definitely need to fill it out.


Hi - if you comment from a mobile device I'll be able to read it but it won't show up because I use intense debate for other comments. I'd still love to know what you are thinking :o) xx