
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

B.M.W.B #48 - Without Technology

I think sometimes that technology is the greatest barrier to good parenting and its greatest inspiration.

The lure of the quick email check, the scintillating blog post that distracts and I'm not even on facebook or twitter!

But then there is the inspiration, the solidarity, the sharing of the joy in the journey, the ease of finding tips, party plans, reward charts..... the ease of sharing photos.... it's not all bad.

On Sunday The Atlas was away and I had promised the boys we would bike to the dairy to spend some pocket-money. For more on how we do pocket-money see here.

As we left I said 'we could go to the dairy you suggested or we could bike down to the one by school and stop for a play on the playground'. Unanimously accepted the alternative!

So we biked in the sun with no hurry. We stopped and ate ice-blocks and played on the playground. I had no camera (the photo is an old one), no phone, no book to read, no other adult to chat with - just 2 boys to enjoy. We were very thankful for the open toilets... possibly accidental .... but when it was number 2s we needed to do I'm sure the caretaker was pleased too.

I even played tree tag and I'm not usually a tag player. The Atlas is naturally good at these things - being present, playing tag, not hurrying.... I am learning them and without him there I had the choice of stepping up. I'm pleased I did.

I know there are lots of you doing wonderful things with your children coming up to Christmas and so I am going to do a linky here during December for you to link in your wonderful parenting posts so others can get inspired too. Right here next Tuesday.

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. 
 Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.

And happy anniversary to The Atlas - man of my life. So thrilled to have spent the last 13 years playing wife to you. xxxx


  1. Lovely lazy and carefree - technology is such a catch 22!

  2. it's so reviving to switch off and get in the moment isn't it? just like it can be so reviving to switch on and zone out lol! happy anniversary xxx


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