
Friday, November 23, 2012

When Friday Comes

I am so grateful for the sunshine that has graced us this week

a little boy who played his violin at school assembly this week and the kind of children that sing along to 'twinkle, twinkle' and tell him he did really well

the sweet friendships my boys have and the ways in which they play as a group when others come without drawing lines about ages and genders...long may this last

I loved teaching a class for children at the Make Cafe last week and seeing their sense of excitement and satisfaction when they made something - some of them had never threaded a needle before the class

and the beautiful way Kirsty set the class up makes me excited about the one I am going to attend
Loving laughing until I cry watching You tube clips of wipe out - kinda a cheap laugh but we all think it is hilarious here.....

I love that it's nearly December and so The Atlas will be soon shaving the world's most awful mo off soon... can't come soon enough

and I'm loving and getting totally anxious about this performance coming up soon....

Christmas is just around the corner!!! Wheee I am so looking forward to the season of advent this year

Don't forget to enter my giveaway I'm drawing it on Sunday

Fill your heart with good things here


  1. Your boys are so cute. Love that you're teaching children's craft classes, I can imagine the excitement levels!

    1. it's pretty cool for the kids to achieve something so special

  2. What lovely photos. Sounds like a pretty interesting week. Good luck with your performance. Sarann

  3. Great week of happy moments and the craft classes sound so wonderful. Hope you're having a great weekend :)

    1. yes the kids craft classes are pretty special


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