
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Make My Week #36 - September Dress

Yesterday I had a day on my own (from 9.20-3pm - that counts as a day right?) and instead of cleaning - which still needs to be done, exercising - which seldom gets done or any other jobs - of which there are plenty! I sewed!

Yes indeed, I made myself a dress.

My mama gave me this Trelise Cooper fabric about 4 years ago for my birthday but I had been a bit afraid to cut into it. Anyway I had been into Annah Streton the other day and feel all inspired by her eclectic approach to fabric combinations - I think she must have grown up with quilts! so on Tuesday night I cut out all sorts of pieces and yesterday I selfishly sewed all day.

I used a Simplicity pattern that I have used a few times before (see yesterdays post for another incarnation) but this time I did the cross over front - oh my! I am pleased this wasn't the first one I did - the pattern for this version is quite obscure in parts and has whole things missing out. I also ironed a point of the sash on too hot and now it has iron scolds!

I haven't actually hemmed it yet but let's not be worried about details shall we!

All up the dress cost me nothing because the fabric was gifted and the lining was leftovers, the zip was gifted in a big pile and I bought the pattern for something else and I've already made 4 other versions from it.

If you want to see me wearing it you'll need to tune in for Wardrobe Wednesday next week.

there is still time to enter my giveaway for a wrist/money cuff thing for a little person in your life.

Joining in with other create types at our creative spaces - click on the button on the right to find them.


  1. Love the dress, the fabric is gorgeous and I bet it'll look stunning on you.

    1. Thanks - it wasn't without it's challenges let me say!

  2. This is BEAUTIFUL!!! absolutely stunning! I love the deep colours. Mmmm yes yes yes!!

    You've got me all inspired, I'm thinking of setting myself a goal over summer. I want more hand made dresses (i only have two, one is unwearable and the other doesnt fit my post baby body any more) so thinking of setting a challenge, 3 dresses, one top and one skirt over summer?!? think I can do it!?

    I'll definitely need a look at your patterns!!! (actually, what size do you cut them out as? It would be a mega fail if we were different sizes)


    1. I look forward to watching your creations unfold! Come over and get patterns whenever it suits x

  3. Wow Miriam ! What a beautiful dress! I really like your fabric combinations and the lovely wide sash. x Also, thanks for your email yesterday. I'll reply properly when we've all got a few more hours sleep under our belts - running low today!

    1. it was fun combining the fabrics and seeing them play off each other

  4. Very impressive, and very anna stretton. Now you need a fancy occassion to debut your dress at!

  5. I really like the mixture of fabrics you have used, and the wrapover front!

  6. Wow that is gorgeous! you are talent!

    1. thank you - it wasn't without muttering under my breath!

  7. Love love love the dress. Looking forward to seeing it on. Bet its stunning!


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