
Friday, September 7, 2012

Whoop The Weekend

This week has been full of little joys - the kind that can pass you by unawares or the kind that can fill your heart with a fruity scent of happiness. Don't you love those little legs??!

I love this photo of The Atlas and Flip's football team having a real team talk.

The ninja cookie drop oh yes all sorts of excited ladies trying to secretly deliver baking to strangers. So much fun. Another way you can support the gorgeous work of the Sisterhood is to race over here and find out how to vote for them to get a scholarship - let's keep the love going folks!

This little fellow I found in my shoes ready to help out with my sewing

Bounce saying, 'Mama Daddy blew off! Lucky I wasn't at the bottom end!' while they were sitting on the couch reading together.

And Flip talking to a friend who had been to Wellington and said, "Did you see the house with the strawberries? That's my Granddad's house."

Looking forward to attending this awesome fashion event this week - I've got my ticket now I just have decide what to wear! A runway show on bikes?? Fun! pop over here and see if you can win some tickets!

Answers to little prayers - I was standing making dinner at my oven on Monday night and I was chatting away to my Big Papa and I said - 'I would really like a better bigger frying pan' (mine is too small and dying). I sent Flip next door with some socks the neighbours son had left while he was playing and he came back with a really nice frying pan that our wonderful neighbour didn't want any more. When I went over to say thanks she had replaced her cook-top and I came home with another even larger frying pan. One pan asked for 2 pans received within 10 minutes of a chatty prayer - God is so cool.

The Atlas who saw my new dress in my sewing room and said 'Wow it's like model runway (I think he meant project runway!)', he's usually a 'wait until I see it on' kind of person so I was well stoked with this praise.

Don't forget to enter my money cuff giveaway it will be closing this weekend in time for a new giveaway on Monday!

Joining in with more grateful people here


  1. Lovely lovely lovelyness - love the little things that make our lives full. xx

    1. me too - the little things really are the big things

  2. I've got my ticket too!!! Can't wait!
    I took a similar photo this week of my wee man in high heels- they look so cute don't they, although I must say that the coordinated bruises make your photo better than mine hee hee!

  3. LOVE how you got 2 frying pans with 1 prayer! I guess I gotta have some more conversations!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  4. You're so model runway Miriam! Thanks for The Sisterhood shoutout, can't wait for the fashion show but ARG - what to wear what to wear

    1. I'm thinking exactly the same - decisions, decisions!

  5. Gah those little legs in your shoes are awesome...especially the bruised legs, such a boy! And so cool re the frying pan - love the way He works!

  6. Hee, hee, gotta love the pic of those little legs ;) ! That's a keeper for his 18th ;)

    Enjoy the fashion show - sounds like you'll be looking model hot yourself! x

    1. True he might ot be so impressed with my sparkly shoes at 18!

  7. Love little shoe wearing boys.....great answer to t little prayers.
    I have loved reading all of your Sisterhood stories. very inspiring x

  8. Yep, love that first shot! Tiny is obsessed with my shoes too, and I love it! Enjoy the fashion show xx


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