
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - Performance Anxiety

I'd like to think of myself as a fairly confident sort of person and when Nin and I talked about me taking on the Wardrobe Wednesday hosting duties I was all-of-a-flutter with excitement. Darling Sophie helped me sort out the linkies and get a button and all I needed to do was invite y'all over and put together a post.

Suddenly I was all like a host with a party planned. 'What if no-one comes?' or 'What if I say the wrong thing? or 'What if they think I'm totally uncool?' - I know I am SO mature!! Anyway you have come, and welcome to you and you are absolutely worth doing this for (I type in faith) please feel very welcome. I'd love you to feel like you can post whatever you're wearing and link in with confidence because we're all different but we're all worth celebrating.

I thought I'd wear my dress from the button today - generally I am an 'overdressed' kind of person. I'd love to channel effortless, rock chic but as it's not going to happen I am going to do what I love. I wore it on Sunday when I happened to be in charge of the under 5s at church (I know an excellent outfit for such an activity!) I managed to put my heel through the tulle in the back and rip a hole - I'm that kind of girl!

I made this dress last year to match my Christmas tablecloth and as Spring has sprung I thought it was a good day to pull it out.
It's the first outing for the white tights (from Farmers) and my dorothy shoes are one of my all-time favs (although not practical for biking the boys to school) bought from No.1 shoes about 4 years ago.
The necklace was 50c from an op-shop
The bracelet was one of my grandmothers - it is really heavy to wear and I love it

And just to keep it very real for our first outing together this is me sans-make-up except for a little bit of mascara.

 Here's the general guff:

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
  • It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to have a 'play' in your wardrobe, to make yourself feel pretty/ stylish/ like a woman or at least not slummy!
  •  It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old, your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
  • One of the things I love about looking at the way women dress is that we all like different looks and we all bring our own aesthetic to how we dress.
How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement

If you want to know more about me or about WW (that's wardrobe wednesday not weight watchers or a world war!) click on the tabs up the top.

Here's the button copy and paste away
Create Hope Inspire Wardrobe Wednesday
Let's play!


  1. I absolutely LOVE this dress btw !! !! !! And those shoes WOW
    Of course you could pull this outfit off . . .

    1. I do believe sparkly shoes are for everyday wear but maybe I'm not the majority on that one?? ;-)

  2. Love the new button - it's rad... glad to be at your party! You look great as always :)

  3. Oh Miriam, I feel like I should be joining in today, just to support you with your new venture. HOWEVER, with two children just beginning to get over their jetlag, I don't think anybody would want to see me today!
    You look amazing as always, I love that dress on you- the colour, the spots, the shoes- BEAUTIFUL!!!

    1. I think jet lag is fairly valid!! Love to see you soon though

  4. Of course we're joining you! Thanks for taking it on. I love your shoes BTW!!!

    1. Thanks Kelly - always great to have your company

  5. YAHOO! Congraultions on your first weekly party! I had so much fun reading this post even though i'm not a WW kinda gal, love looking at everyone elses! You were born to be a star Miriam! <3

  6. Go you and no you are sooo not, like, uncool :p Love love love that dress and the whole outfit! x

  7. Love your flair, style and sense of fun! You are the perfect WW hostess! You have even made me feel like joining in again (especially as spring is here and I need to break free of my jeans!!) x

  8. I adore this dress, and those shoes...swoon! Love the button, too - nice work ladies.

    Maybe one day, I'll work up the courage to join you on a Wednesday...when Little Mr Spewy has stopped vomiting on me three times a day!

    1. The spew does rather flatten an outfit choice! Look forward to your participation when you are ready

  9. What a gorgeous dress! The Dorothy shoes might just be my favourite ever... I grew up watching The Wizard of Oz so I've always had a soft spot for Dorothy and her shoes. Maybe that's where my love of shoes began...?

    1. I think Dorothy has a lot to answer for from a few of us!

  10. Everyone has to have an outfit to dress up in and feel glamorous. Good on you for not waiting for that one day to wear it. Such a great way to start out Wardrobe Wednesday. Love that we get to join in with you. Great to have kiwi inspiration.

    1. It is great to have the kiwi's out and joining in today. Love your purple ensemble

  11. LOVE this look - I can't believe you made this dress! LOVE it!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

    1. Thanks Daisy - it's quite an easy pattern but I really like it I've made about 3 of this pattern now

  12. I think I have that exact same necklace.. but a certain two year old thinks it's her!! Your shoes are so cute!!

    1. I often find my 3 year old browsing my bead collection too!

  13. This is such a lovely idea! I discovered WW and your blog through Thrift and Shout. So glad that I did! I love this dress is a recycled project. It's absolutely adorable and fits you so well. Thanks for hosting a wonderful link-up!


    1. Thanks Callie it is lovely to have you along for the party

  14. Swooning over the darling dot overlay on your dress, Miriam! Thanks so much for taking over the hostessing for the party!!! ~Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah I am partial to a dot and an overlay so I was rather pleased when they came together!


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