
Friday, September 28, 2012


The sun is shining on the 2 loads of washing on the line
Bread is rising in a sunny spot
Bounce is resting
2 boys and one Daddy spent time playing hide and seek before school this morning
Laughter echoed off the walls

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Make My Week - Spring Maxi and Muesli

I debuted this dress yesterday at Wardrobe Wednesday. I made it on Sunday afternoon/evening after my sister inspired me by suggesting a maxi.

I often respond emotionally to fabric and this is one of those purchases. These colours are ones I can't seem to go past - blues, greens and some purple - ahhhhh. It actually has white, yellow and brown in it too which I hadn't really realised.

The fabric is one of those awful types that always stuffs up the stretch on my machine and makes all the stitches skip. So as an experiment I decided to keep a sharp needle on rather than changing to a stretch needle which has a blunt point. Completely successful.

I had totally lost my way with this fabric I couldn't think of what to do with it. Naomi came up with the maxi idea and pushed me away from a navy sash towards the yellow to pull out the yellow in the fabric. I like the way I can tie it front or back.

I got rather a lot of comments (in person) on it - I always find people comment a lot on colour when I wear it, maybe it's because us kiwi's wear a lot of black or maybe it's just the shining sun that makes people more likely to enjoy colour and give others encouragement.

I can see this dress is going to get a heap of wear it is super stretchy and comfy, it is a good hairy-leg cover-up option for summer and the colours make me smile!

I also made another batch of super simple muesli. This is a family recipe and it is so easy and quick. I promised a recipe if someone asked and lovely Bec did.
5-6 c rolled oats
2 cups bran
2 cups wheat germ (wheat germ is the best - we used to have it on our porridge as kids)
I also add 1 cup of coconut as well - let's call that optional

1 cup liquid honey (or heat your normal honey in the microwave to soften it like I did)
1 cup skim milk (or whatever you have - I'm sure non dairy would work too if you roll that way)

mix it all together in a roasting dish - I find a wooden spoon and hands successful - and bake at 150 degrees C for about 40 mins. (adjust according to your crunch preference!)
If you want a nice even toast, mix it a bit during baking time. If you are lazy like me you will have a toastier top.

Add in any fruit or nut combinations you like and enjoy. Sweet but not sickly so and no oil/fat or processed sugar as well as being a complete doddle to make. My boys love it.

Kind of a random Make My Week combination this week. To see other creative happenings click on Our Creative Spaces on the right.

For more of my creations 
For more clothes I've made
For more of my (p)inspiration

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - Having a Rummage

Every Wednesday, Every Wardrobe Welcome.

Welcome ladies - it's is great to have your company today.

This week I'm taken with the idea of inviting someone to have a rummage in your wardrobe. How many times do you stand in front of your wardrobe in your underwear unable to see the wood for the trees - while your 6 year old comes past strokes your bottom and comments 'you have a squishy bottom' (oh, so that is just me???).

Do you pull the same old favourite out again or do you pull out that great item you love but you aren't sure how to wear - before you sigh and pull your jeans off the floor?

This week I had my sister over and she did pretty much that very thing but with my fabric box. It was so inspiring. I needed someone to be able to see past the ideas I had when I bought some of the fabric.

I had one particular piece that I loved but I was about to get rid of because I didn't like my idea for the fabric but I couldn't 'see' anything else to make it out of, enter her inspired idea 'make a maxi' and now here I am - one Sunday afternoon and an evening sewing and I'm done!

Now I have at least 2 other great ideas that came from her suggestions and her pulling things out of my wardrobe that I could pair them with. I also really enjoyed Kelly's post last week where she took a citron coloured skirt and worked it 5 different ways - there are a couple of tricky garments in my wardrobe I really need to do that with too.

I think I'll invite her over again and do a big wardrobe overhaul and let her style me from my own wardrobe.

I love how I gather ideas and inspiration from your wardrobes when I visit. And for those who aren't quite ready to share their style yet but still visit and leave encouraging comments thank you so much I so appreciate your company. And it turns out most of us prefer a covered cleavage!

My outfit for the week:
Dress -  made on Sunday from a pattern and 2 fabrics all languishing in my stash - Free! more info about it tomorrow for Make My Week. Sash can tie front or back.
Cardi - Glassons
Shoes - The Warehouse cheapie flats
Earrings - made by me
Sunnies - $3 (who can be bothered with expensive ones that will get sat on or lost?)

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
  • It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to have a 'play' in your wardrobe, to make yourself feel valuable.
  •  It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement

Here's the button copy and paste away
Create Hope Inspire Wardrobe Wednesday
Please link in - I look forward to visiting your wardrobe this week

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Get Yourself Some Advent Action

Cat is organising an Advent swap - this means you get to prepare 24 little items with love and excitement for someone and at the end of November you get a parcel of wonderful things to open every day up until Christmas. This is such a perfect swap for a person like me that loves buying, making and collating gifts and who also - much less admirably, loves receiving gifts! Win and win.

It will also make you the envy of all your family members and it's not often the mama get's that lovely role. You are also guaranteed 24 surprises this is also good because if you are anything like me in terms of responsibility for buying the gifts there will be no other surprises for you under the tree. (not that I mind of course but I do love a good surprise!)
As the 1st of Dec is my birthday I think this would be an excellent way to start my 35th year!

If you want more information and you want to sign up (of course you do!!) head over here for all the dets (I love using the word dets - it makes me feel very 'cool'. I realise it probably isn't a cool word at all but as I have no teenagers to let me know this I am happy in my ignorance).

Um yeah - sign up okay?  this will be fun!

B.M.W.B #39 - 'They Used to Read'

The title for this post comes from a poem in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

Over the last few weeks I have been making a really conscious effort in the afternoons to make myself available for 'unlimited' reading time.(after homework and before dinner). We get the homework done and the hungry hippos fed and then I say 'let's read'.

I love trying to get in before my boys so that they don't feel like I am saying yes to having fun with them after they have worn me down, rather I suggest it - hopefully sending the message 'I'm keen to spend time with you, I enjoy it, you matter.' Because that is what I feel in my heart, it really is, just sometimes the urgent things are shouting so loudly I don't hear my heart whispering it to me.

I never regret this kind of extra time. Never. My boys go to bed quite early and I have time almost every night to do all those 'important' things (like folding washing and reading blogs!!!) so I try to remind myself that this time is never wasted.

I don't always get it right but in the last couple of weeks we have started and finished James and the Giant Peach and we are nearly finished Danny the Champion of the World. Flip has adored them both and Bounce really enjoyed James which surprised me. He listened so intently and could do a great job of retelling to Daddy.

The Atlas is so on board with reading to the boys too. As well as being wonderful time together reading aloud to children is so good for their imagination and their love of language. And I hope it fills their lives and memories with the gentle sound of our voices - words and images tumbling together intertwined with a familiar voice communicating love and igniting inspiration with each word.

I finish with this wonderful comment Ange left on my blog yesterday - sums it up perfectly really!
I always buy books, and will always ask for books for my boys. Plastic holds their attention for a moment in time, but books hold their imagination for ever.

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other. 
Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.

Monday, September 24, 2012

In Which I Talk about Christmas

As you know this year I have wanted to stretch and grow myself as a mama and although I am a great believer that really we don't need a lot of fancy stuff I also really want to know about decent ideas/books/games.... that people (real people not plastic people with fake smiles and children who they just met that day on set!) have actually tried.

I am one of those mama's that doesn't really buy my kids a lot of stuff - frequently we get them quite small gifts for birthdays and Christmases....however, I do tend to part with money more easily when it comes to books and games. As I see it both of these are the gifts that go on giving - they can be shared and re-shared year after year.

I also know that in the pre-school years I have been a little lost sometimes and really keen to know about worthwhile stuff especially books around the right level and games they can actually play and understand.

So, coming up to Christmas I thought I might do some preschooler recommendations for games and books and anything else that comes to mind in case you might find it worthwhile too.  (I find it isn't long before I have grandparents and aunts and uncles asking for recommendations and I love having something in mind).

Please note this is my idea it is not a series of sponsored posts (not to say I'd mind being sent wonderful quality products to try - are you listening toy and book companies???) it's just one mama who is passionate about helping other mama's and families find fun things to share together that aren't iPhone apps, DVDs, TV programmes or computer games. (Not that these are bad there are just probably lots of great places to find those recommendations - and I am not that place).

First up for the 'my recommendations' would be My First Guess Who. The original Guess Who is a fantastic game for developing language however for littlies it's too confusing -which card do they put down, what questions to ask....

My First Guess Who is easier than the traditional game this one uses plastic faces which you add to as you ask each question. If your child doesn't have the vocab yet they can hold up the piece they want to ask about. As the game progresses you each build a face and then at the end the whole 'board' flips around so you can check they are the same.

Bounce and I have laughed and laughed playing this game together. Flip was given it for a birthday a couple of years ago and it has certainly been worth it for us. Each game doesn't take very long either so you can play a quick one or have a few rounds.

Definitely one I think would suit children from 3 up and possibly younger depending on their vocab and concentration etc.

I made a clear plastic pouch that closes with velcro for ours because it has small parts! Games with small parts do my head in!! But this does seem to keep it all in order.

Are you keen for more recommendations from our cupboards?
What game gets the most use in your house?
Do you find it hard to find great games for your pre-schoolers?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

And the Winners for the Grand Trip to Yoghurt Heaven .....

for a 700g tub of Bliss yoghurt (you lucky things!) are

just let me know if you need anyone to come and help you eat it 'k?
5 flavours and 5 vouchers how is that for awesomeness? (you can choose any flavour)

Thanks so much to Victoria and the lovely team at Serra Foods.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh Happy Day

I love Friday's
the promise of the weekend - no schedules to keep, everyone home....

This week I've also loved:

Being featured in this super new Indie magazine produced by Hazel a talented Chch blogger - try my recipe and tell me what you think.

The Atlas coming home with a Daphne bush for me one night after work - I don't really 'get' (as in they don't spin my wheels) bunches of flowers (except for opening nights) but Daphne is one of my most favourite fragrances and a bush was so sweet - especially as he bikes home so he had to go out of his way to the store and bike the rest of the way home with it. I do love him.

Catching up with a lovely group of Christchurch bloggers on Wednesday including a couple of new faces.

Making cookies with my big sister - so happy to have her home.

Reading stories with my boys.

This hilarious video I came across on another blog I love.

The New World in our area re-opened - this may seem small but to the people who live in our area this is a massive statement that we are in recovering and moving forward mode (and they sell nice chocolate!).

I'm sure there are many other lovely things but most of all I'm just loving the fact that it is Friday and my crew are gathering back in for 2 days. 2 whole days with the 3 best boys in the world.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Make My Week #38 - Rest

It's a friend's birthday this week and like most people I know she is a busy, self-sacrificing, wonderful woman.
So I made her a rice heat pack with a zip off cover even! - apologies to those who find the use of food offensive in crafting - and an eye mask.

She is a dog and animal lover so I thought this fun fabric was perfect.
The eye mask came from an idea and tutorial on Amelie and Atticus (a blog I read) - note my awesome cutting skills that means the dog has no head - yeah I marvel at my talent sometimes too!

I have infused both with some lavender and lemon essential oils - restful and reviving - hopefully they don't cause confusion!
To see what others are making this week click on Our Creative Spaces on the right.

I've also made some yummy and easy muesli this week - let me know if you'd be keen for a recipe post.
Both the rice heat pack and the  eye mask are very easy first-timer projects if you are someone who is keen to start sewing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Colour Combinations and Cleavage

Every Wednesday, Every Wardrobe Welcome.

Thanks so much for coming to play today - I have so appreciated the thoughtful and encouraging comments you have been leaving. If it's your first time, welcome - thrilled you've come!

So, apologies for the slightly inappropriate title - but I figure any male readers I have aren't tuning in for wardrobe inspiration, right? and I quite liked the alliteration.

Today I'd love your thoughts on cleavage and colour combinations

I try to keep mine off show and being really honest I find large swathes of cleavage rather distracting myself so I can only imagine the difficulty some blokes have. Anyway, this particular dress has a cross-over and it keeps things covered except by the end of the day I definitely have some pesky cleavage on show. I'd hate to think people felt I was intentionally exhibiting but once you get to a certain, ahem, cup-size things get more tricky - especially as the lower and V cut styles are so much more flattering - seriously not a good look to see me in a turtle neck or skivvy. (I'd like to say you'll never see it but I can't rule out doing a 'things I shouldn't wear post at some point').

So there's that - what's your take? Do you like a little cleavage or do you find it inappropriate/distracting or are you a 'if you got it flaunt it type'?

Colour Combinations (or color for those that spell it that way)
What about colour combinations? Usually I tend to stick to 2 colours - so with this dress I'd usually do green and white but then it got cold and as I reached for a white cardi I thought 'why not pink?'. It's not as though I have an aversion to colour - in fact I very infrequently wear black but I do seem to stick to a 2 tone look most of the time. I'm not sure why that is and indeed if you don't count the white this is 2-tone too. I do love the way the pink and green play off each other.

Do you mix a lot of colour or do you have colour rules or certain colours you will not wear or colours you couldn't/wouldn't wear together?

This weeks combo:
Dress - handmade- the lace on the bottom is from a market in Turkey when I was pregnant with my now-6 year-old. (I keep things for a long time - you never know when you'll be pleased you did!)
Cardi - throw out from a cousin
Shoes - bought in a bundle from Trade Me (NZ's eBay) 25 cents!
Bag - a friend grabbed it for me at an op-shop about 10 years ago
Necklace - I call this my 'joy bell' it is a bauble with a bell inside that rings.

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
  • It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to feel good about what you have on!
  •  It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement

Here's the button copy and paste away
Create Hope Inspire Wardrobe Wednesday
Link away lovelies!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

B.M.W.B#38 - For All the Family

I'm sure many of you will have seen the crayon-art craze sweeping the internets. Not content to do it just the way other's have (and due to the fact we have white walls) I decided to go for a black canvas.

 I did all the lining up and gluing while the boys were in bed then on Sunday afternoon we all, even The Atlas, turned our hand at crayon melting. We used the hairdryer for a while then swapped to my heat embossing gun (still in the packet 2 years on - ahem!) which was much faster. The hairdryer did work - even the teeny one we have.

After we finished it we signed the sides and let the boys choose which way up to hang the picture - taking after their mama wanting to be different perhaps??

It was so fun to spring an unexpected art activity on them. Afterwards Flip suggested some 'octopus' so we delayed dinner for 10minutes and played together outside.
It made a slightly crazy, 'everyone in different directions' day so special for all of us.
I do love doing special things with my boys.

Cost - Black Canvas $13.99 and crayons cheapie ones box of 64 $4.49 all from The Warehouse. Crayons attached with a hot glue gun but my friend Cat did hers with double-sided tape.

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other. 

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Any Excuse for a Party!

As part of my goals and aims for the year I am trying to become more intentionally present in my boys lives.
When I was asked if I would like to review a LEGO game of course I was more than happy but I was so thrilled when 'Creationary' arrived.

Creationary is the kind of LEGO game I like - it's like pictionary but with LEGO and it is so fun. A roll of the dice determines your category and then a turn of the card reveals the nature/building/thing/vehicle you need to make. It's aimed at ages 7+ and I can see why - wee Bounce just didn't have the concentration to keep on playing or watch others - not that it stopped him being involved.

The Atlas suggested we have a Creationary party to make an occasion of our first game. The boys have been bursting to play since it arrived so this was very much in keeping with the excitement levels.
.... and as part of my parenting strategy for the year it worked so well - why not have a party to celebrate a new game?

We had some awesome LEGO lollies The Atlas got at some conference or other (wish I knew where you could buy them) so we made cupcakes and bought chippies. Ma n Pop joined us too and the adults actually really enjoyed the game.

We have some really creative friends and I can actually see us playing this at dinner parties with the right crew.

As for my boys - had I not received this game it is certainly one I would have asked the Grandparents to get us as a family for Christmas. Good games (I want to say board games but clearly this isn't) are a pricey investment but pay-per-play and quality time factor I think they are worth every cent. There are 3 levels of difficulty (I found level 1 about right for me but the Flip went straight for the top-level) and it is quite mind bending when trying to figure out how to represent some objects. I was so impressed with the way Flip managed to represent the things he had some of which were really challenging. I love having something that will draw out his creativity and challenge his thinking.

It is tempting to wish the picture representations were in LEGO themselves but then it would take all the creative out of it. I am so pleased they didn't do that - a game that encourages true creativity is definitely at the top of my awesomeness list.

We are definite LEGO fans and I've received rather a lot of street cred from some adults I know for being a blogger who gets LEGO to review - kind of makes up for the weird silence when you tell some people you blog (it's at that point I want to hitch my pants high and make geeky laughing sounds).

Here's all the important stuff you need to know:

Product name: LEGO®  Creationary
Product description: Roll the LEGO® Dice to select one of four exciting building categories: vehicles, buildings, nature or things. With three levels of difficulty you can show off your building skills, while theothers guess what you are creating. A great game for family and friends to test your imagination, creativity, building and guessing skills to the max.
Contents: • 1 buildable LEGO Dice • 1 LEGO minifigure • 1 LEGO microfigure • 338 LEGO pieces • 96 cards • 1 rule booklet
Age: From 7 years
RRP $69.99

If you are looking for an excellent long-term game investment I can really recommend this one. It will be getting a lot of use in our house... and it will last for a lot longer than the cupcakes!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's not that I don't want to live in the country but....

1. I would miss the people - being at the extreme end of extrovert I even enjoy the after school pick up - you know 'cos it's a nice time to chat. I just couldn't handle the isolation - even with the internet. I'm one of those people. Need people - preferably lots of people, preferably a lot of the time. I don't mind my own company - in fact I find myself wonderful company from time to time. I day dream about whole days to myself to sew and craft.....

2. I couldn't wear nice stuff - now before you start to show me pictures of gorgeous people wearing beautiful things across their lifestyle blocks - you just need to understand there are certain places I (me only) can't dress up - one is for the gym - must look awful, must wear no make-up and the other is on the farm - any farm. Can't bring myself to skirts. It's weird but these are my rules and I must live by them. It's also shallow oh yes it is but I couldn't go week after week without prancing about in pretty clothes.

3. I can't do icky - yes I realise your respect for me is currently at rock bottom so let's just see if we can get it any further. A friend asked me to feed the compost scraps to her chooks a while ago - instantly changed my mind about even the slightest possibility of having chooks. I have textural issues and one of them is slime.

4. I like to be inside. It's not that I don't like to be outside - I quite often hugely appreciate the stunning beauty of nature I did take all of these pictures, but I really like being inside pottering about - surely the point of the country is the fresh outdoors and days spent without a building in sight.... not me

It's not that I need the shops, or cars - I love riding my bike and I don't even shop that much.

I see people's gorgeous pictures under trees and pottering in paddocks - and I sigh at its loveliness.

I so get the self-sufficient desire - in fact I'd quite like it myself - but I need someone to do the icky stuff for me. I do make all our cleaners and bread from scratch, by hand. I do love the garden bursting into spring - I just don't hanker for getting dirty. I get the idyllic desire but I know I wouldn't enjoy the reality.

And I'd miss the library, and going to see shows, museums, art galleries, festivals, markets and cultural celebrations and the emergency fish and chip shop nearby....and maybe I'd miss some shops - the fabric ones, the op-shops...

So question is - is there anyone else out there who loves the town too or am I a lone town mouse in a sea of country mice and 'wish I was' country mice??