
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Make My Week - Spring Maxi and Muesli

I debuted this dress yesterday at Wardrobe Wednesday. I made it on Sunday afternoon/evening after my sister inspired me by suggesting a maxi.

I often respond emotionally to fabric and this is one of those purchases. These colours are ones I can't seem to go past - blues, greens and some purple - ahhhhh. It actually has white, yellow and brown in it too which I hadn't really realised.

The fabric is one of those awful types that always stuffs up the stretch on my machine and makes all the stitches skip. So as an experiment I decided to keep a sharp needle on rather than changing to a stretch needle which has a blunt point. Completely successful.

I had totally lost my way with this fabric I couldn't think of what to do with it. Naomi came up with the maxi idea and pushed me away from a navy sash towards the yellow to pull out the yellow in the fabric. I like the way I can tie it front or back.

I got rather a lot of comments (in person) on it - I always find people comment a lot on colour when I wear it, maybe it's because us kiwi's wear a lot of black or maybe it's just the shining sun that makes people more likely to enjoy colour and give others encouragement.

I can see this dress is going to get a heap of wear it is super stretchy and comfy, it is a good hairy-leg cover-up option for summer and the colours make me smile!

I also made another batch of super simple muesli. This is a family recipe and it is so easy and quick. I promised a recipe if someone asked and lovely Bec did.
5-6 c rolled oats
2 cups bran
2 cups wheat germ (wheat germ is the best - we used to have it on our porridge as kids)
I also add 1 cup of coconut as well - let's call that optional

1 cup liquid honey (or heat your normal honey in the microwave to soften it like I did)
1 cup skim milk (or whatever you have - I'm sure non dairy would work too if you roll that way)

mix it all together in a roasting dish - I find a wooden spoon and hands successful - and bake at 150 degrees C for about 40 mins. (adjust according to your crunch preference!)
If you want a nice even toast, mix it a bit during baking time. If you are lazy like me you will have a toastier top.

Add in any fruit or nut combinations you like and enjoy. Sweet but not sickly so and no oil/fat or processed sugar as well as being a complete doddle to make. My boys love it.

Kind of a random Make My Week combination this week. To see other creative happenings click on Our Creative Spaces on the right.

For more of my creations 
For more clothes I've made
For more of my (p)inspiration


  1. Lol hairy leg cover up. Love the yellow sash too!

    1. thanks - sometimes a girl needs an easy cover up option!

  2. Love this dress on you! And I'm looking forward to seeing more creative collaborations between you and your sister!

    1. Yes she is a great person to bounce ideas around with

  3. I love your new dress and that muesli looks yuuuumoooo- I've written wheatgerm on next weeks shopping list so thanks in advance : )

    1. let me know how it goes - it disappears very quickly at our house

  4. Your dress is amazing - love that you used the bright yellow tie belt as well. I think it is so important to have 'glamorous' mum moments even when kids are small and sticky fingered. Hope you made the yummy muesli while dressed as a yummy mummy!


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