
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

B.M.W.B #39 - 'They Used to Read'

The title for this post comes from a poem in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

Over the last few weeks I have been making a really conscious effort in the afternoons to make myself available for 'unlimited' reading time.(after homework and before dinner). We get the homework done and the hungry hippos fed and then I say 'let's read'.

I love trying to get in before my boys so that they don't feel like I am saying yes to having fun with them after they have worn me down, rather I suggest it - hopefully sending the message 'I'm keen to spend time with you, I enjoy it, you matter.' Because that is what I feel in my heart, it really is, just sometimes the urgent things are shouting so loudly I don't hear my heart whispering it to me.

I never regret this kind of extra time. Never. My boys go to bed quite early and I have time almost every night to do all those 'important' things (like folding washing and reading blogs!!!) so I try to remind myself that this time is never wasted.

I don't always get it right but in the last couple of weeks we have started and finished James and the Giant Peach and we are nearly finished Danny the Champion of the World. Flip has adored them both and Bounce really enjoyed James which surprised me. He listened so intently and could do a great job of retelling to Daddy.

The Atlas is so on board with reading to the boys too. As well as being wonderful time together reading aloud to children is so good for their imagination and their love of language. And I hope it fills their lives and memories with the gentle sound of our voices - words and images tumbling together intertwined with a familiar voice communicating love and igniting inspiration with each word.

I finish with this wonderful comment Ange left on my blog yesterday - sums it up perfectly really!
I always buy books, and will always ask for books for my boys. Plastic holds their attention for a moment in time, but books hold their imagination for ever.

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other. 
Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this - always LOVE reading and instilling it in your kids at a young age is such a gift!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:


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