
Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's not that I don't want to live in the country but....

1. I would miss the people - being at the extreme end of extrovert I even enjoy the after school pick up - you know 'cos it's a nice time to chat. I just couldn't handle the isolation - even with the internet. I'm one of those people. Need people - preferably lots of people, preferably a lot of the time. I don't mind my own company - in fact I find myself wonderful company from time to time. I day dream about whole days to myself to sew and craft.....

2. I couldn't wear nice stuff - now before you start to show me pictures of gorgeous people wearing beautiful things across their lifestyle blocks - you just need to understand there are certain places I (me only) can't dress up - one is for the gym - must look awful, must wear no make-up and the other is on the farm - any farm. Can't bring myself to skirts. It's weird but these are my rules and I must live by them. It's also shallow oh yes it is but I couldn't go week after week without prancing about in pretty clothes.

3. I can't do icky - yes I realise your respect for me is currently at rock bottom so let's just see if we can get it any further. A friend asked me to feed the compost scraps to her chooks a while ago - instantly changed my mind about even the slightest possibility of having chooks. I have textural issues and one of them is slime.

4. I like to be inside. It's not that I don't like to be outside - I quite often hugely appreciate the stunning beauty of nature I did take all of these pictures, but I really like being inside pottering about - surely the point of the country is the fresh outdoors and days spent without a building in sight.... not me

It's not that I need the shops, or cars - I love riding my bike and I don't even shop that much.

I see people's gorgeous pictures under trees and pottering in paddocks - and I sigh at its loveliness.

I so get the self-sufficient desire - in fact I'd quite like it myself - but I need someone to do the icky stuff for me. I do make all our cleaners and bread from scratch, by hand. I do love the garden bursting into spring - I just don't hanker for getting dirty. I get the idyllic desire but I know I wouldn't enjoy the reality.

And I'd miss the library, and going to see shows, museums, art galleries, festivals, markets and cultural celebrations and the emergency fish and chip shop nearby....and maybe I'd miss some shops - the fabric ones, the op-shops...

So question is - is there anyone else out there who loves the town too or am I a lone town mouse in a sea of country mice and 'wish I was' country mice??


  1. I SO TOTALLY agree with you. I LOVE visiting the country, but need the city life! Was just in the country last week (MOntana) and LOVED it, but sure do enjoy being back home in the city!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  2. I hear ya! I would LOVE to be self sufficient, but dont want to do what is required to make that happen, its just a nice thought.

    I would however like to downsize. I'm from Westport, and whenever I go back there I appreciate the life style - knowing everyone, knowing who to trust and who not too, everything (almost) in walking distance if you need to, all the luxuries (shops, movie theatre etc) but few of them (making them more special). Land and space. Cheaper homes.


    1. Have you thought of applying to work for tourism Westport? seriously you make it sound very appealing!

  3. You make me crack up!

    But I do understand where you're coming from.... I must say at 18 I don't think I ever would have imagined the life I have now, I always thought I would have a small house with a white picket fence and a gorgeous cottage garden, I didn't ever think it would include a number of acres with chickens,cows and sheep out the back ")

    Mind you I must have had it in me as I absolutely loved the book "Little House in the Big Woods".

    1. I loved those books too but I especially liked it when they moved into town and started talking about clothes so maybe it does go way back!

  4. I'm a country mouse who's always lived in the city. I'm definitely a homebody, but married to a doer - so we definitely get out & about, which is good. I've never lived on a farm, but I think I'd love it. Especially a flower farm - that sounds heavenly (but only under blue skies).

    1. yes a flower farm does sound rather lovely. Hope your rural dream comes true one day!

  5. Hilarious Miriam :) Completely understandable... I would love a rural lifestyle... I crave the peace and quiet and space more and more as time goes on it seems but I would miss the accessibility of city life! x


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