
Saturday, June 30, 2012

B.M.W.B # 26 - Building Dialogue

This week we had a wonderful time playing a game from one of the books I inherited from my Mother in Law.
We made our way up and down the hallway in as many ways as possible. Each person had to make up a way that someone else hadn't done yet.
The Atlas got home a bit early so we got to all enjoy it together.

One of the things I love about The Atlas is how intentional he is about being in our boys live. Often he and Flip (and now Bounce too) lie on the bed together just after songs and prayers and talk about their day. Last night I went past the room and heard The Atlas talking about what he had for lunch - so sweet!

There is something about taking time at the end of the day to let the boys process and give them space and time to say what they want to say that builds dialogue. Our boys don't tell us heaps about the goings on of kindy and school but this special time with Daddy makes space for the important things that occupy the thoughts of a 6-year-old and a 3-year-old. I love The Atlas - I have a lot to learn from him.

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other.  
Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Heard Your Heart Say Love... and a Giveaway!

or something similar!

It's Friday again. Day for reflecting on the week that was and the joys that have accompanied it.

Favourite images of the week are these 2 friends at the kindy 'breakfast, wear your PJs' party.

This week I've also loved catching up with friends and sharing special moments of life together. I definitely measure friendships in the levels of sharing given and received. When people share the journey's of their hearts with me I feel that deep sense of privilege and joy in their trust.

I've also loved making this bread for the first time. For kiwi's I'd say very similar to vogel's bread. It has 2 cups of seeds in it (I used Chia, Sunflower and Pumpkin) and it is a no knead bread as well! Whoop! One loaf did explode rather ungraciously in the oven but I can forgive it for that. Make again? Yes. Online recipe here. I also managed to stab myself with a sharp piece of crust on the edge of one loaf (check out those mean jagged edges!) and I drew blood! I kid you not - blood people.

I also picked myself up some very 80s? pumps in orange from an op-shop this week, they called out to me and I don't think Deb would have wanted them!

Oh and before I go all missing my 'planned giveaway each month' here is one for June. This is a beautiful long oblong/rectangle shaped 100% silk scarf from Trade Aid - which means not only is it gorgeous it is also ethically made and the makers receive fair wages.

What isn't to love? Enter by leaving a comment and if you are a follower by email or google or some other way leave me another comment and you'll get 2 entries.  Happy to send it anywhere in the world - I'm not sure about inter-galactic postage it seems too unpredictable!

Entries close 10th of July. Winner chosen out of a hat by one of my delicious children

What has made you smile this week?

and just to make me happy and hopefully inspire me for some creative endeavour what is your favourite colour combination?

Joining in gratefully

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Winter Op-Shop Swap

I was partnered with Deb for the winter op-shop.

Deb is such a lovely person and I had fun buying stuff I thought she would like.

I bought some napkins and embroidered her family members names on them so now they have a personalised set. I know Deb tries to only use fabric napkins so I hope these will be well used.

Thanks Jody for this cool swap!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday and Make My Week #26

You remember I bought some fabric (very naughty!) recently. One of the pieces was a gorgeous piece of Japanese lawn that I have been using for my new header and buttons.

I didn't buy very much of it. I had an idea in my head to make a very simple over-sized t-shirt to wear with my high-waisted skirt.

Nin suggested I do french seams and gave me tips for using bias binding to face the neck and armholes. I love having a friend who is a 'qualified designer'.  Whenever I have questions about fabric or how I should sew something together. I did so french seams (my first time ever) and used the system Nin suggested but with knicker elastic instead of bias binding.

I used a pattern I found at an op-shop the other day. It's amazing how a little styling can make a difference don't you think??

I quite like the 'Corporate Barbie' look now and again.

Joining in on Warobe Wednesday here
Wardrobe Wednesday at
to see more of my wardrobe
and here on my pinterest page
Enjoying sharing makes and inspiration on Thursdays at Our Creative Spaces
I share my creative space on Village Voices
Other things I've made recently
Outfit breakdown

Skirt - catalyst bought about 9 years ago on sale
Top - made by me using an op-shop pattern
Tights - hand me down

Shoes - TKMaxx UK cheapies - falling apart!

Necklace - bought from a shop in Haethcote Valley - chch about 2 years ago

Earrings - gift from Korea

If I'm corporate barbie which barbie are you?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Because We've Got To Friday Again!

This week I am grateful -
Grateful for fast healers - Flip has his bandaging off already! But the bruise still tells the story.

For crafty friends who are friendly and inspiring and the kind of people where you know you can collect a random, unrelated group of them and they will all still talk to each other and be encouraging. And one of them (the pregnant one!!) will take on the job of making all the hot drinks because she is lovely and she knows no-one will get one otherwise! I did bake though - I have my priorities.

The whole on-line books purchasing thing can leave one with the conundrum of choosing to buy sight-unseen. If you are reading fiction and love the author you can be pretty safe but I tend to spend my pocket-money on crafty books. I have been burnt by this once so now if I read a great review and it looks like I might want to add it to my wish list I simply see if the library has it - pay $2 to get it on hold and see how much I really do want it. And if they don't have it? I recommend they buy it (and I think they usually do! I've only just started this so we shall see).

Loving Bounce's version of 'Thank you Lord for giving us food' (sung grace) that should end with 'right where we are. amen.' as a child I actually thought it was 'ri-twere-weare' and it meant something like hallelujah. Bounce sings, 'riot where we are' - which probably seems perfectly sensible to him!

And a little boy who got given a watch by the neighbours (hand me down - awesome neighbours!) and just about burst with pride. SO cute.

Loving watching my boys scooter home together and listening to Flip tutor Bounce on correct scooter riding technique. Sometimes they are so adorable together it makes you want to burst.

grateful to have found the piece of charcoal-ised sausage on the bottom of the oven - now I know why it smelt weird when I heated the oven up!

and people who pop round with presents, just because. Love you Deb!

What's making you feel the love right now?

Not a lot of photos - I've been busy in the moment.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday, Make My Week #25 - My Jesus Dress

My sister saw this fabric in a market in Amsterdam.
She told me about it.
She sent me some with a note saying 'You're the only person in the world who could rock this fabric.'

Maybe she is a little generous but Hello??' I <3 Jesus with gold shiny Holy Spirit Doves'?? Yes Please!
I used a pattern that was an off-cast from one of my mama's friends.

Without the belt I look a bit like I am 7 months pregnant or how I still look 5 months after giving birth.
I love this fabric - I often think about making clothes that say stuff about the real 'who I am' more than just the 'I love clothes and dressing up' part of who I am.

I do love Jesus, very much. He is the source of who I really am and who I am becoming. At 34 I'm at that happy stage of my life where I feel entirely at home with this and I don't feel like I need to make excuses or try to convince people that loving Jesus doesn't make me weird, or crazy or deluded or brainless. Point is I find meaning and joy in this sometimes difficult-to-explain relationship and I'm happy to wear that on a black chiffon, 80s-esque printed dress with pink stilettos (even if I did slip over in the ice in them!).

outfit breakdown:
Dress - made by me, fabric from Amsterdam
Tights - cosmic
pink stilettos - TKMaxx - UK
Cardi - hand-me-down from a cousin

What do your clothes say about you and your values?
Joining in here
Wardrobe Wednesday at
Read More:
Clothes I have made
Make my week craftings

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

B.M.W.B #25 - Winter Crazy

Winter and 2 boys - exercise needed. My gorgeous friend Deb once said to me 'A boy is like a dog he needs to be walked every day.'
This week we had a whole lot of balloons hanging around so I thought we'd play old-fashioned balloon batting. We all tried to keep the balloon up in the air and when it touched the ground we all lay on the floor made crazy noises and waggled our legs in the air (well Flip and I did, Bounce wasn't entirely convinced or amused).

Then we mixed it up - I have come to the conclusion that enforcing the rules of a game isn't fun or helpful especially when you have quite different abilities and maturities in the group of players. The point is to have fun together so if they aren't having fun don't waste time.
After that we sat on couch with a huge stack of books and read them together until dinner time.
*** I usually try to make or at least prep our dinner at lunch time - a luxury lots of people don't have - it makes the afternoons way less stressful and means I can actually enjoy that time of the day with the boys. Interestingly they often just play happily together during that time, it's as if knowing I am available means they don't need to fight to get my attention.

I love those kind of afternoons with my boys. By the time The Atlas arrived home we were all loved-tanked up and he could just join in with the fun.
What is your go-to inside activity when the winter weather hits?
This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other.  
Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.
Read More:
All my posts about Becoming the Mama I Want to Be

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Laying It Down

These words come from a gorgeous little booklet called 'What I Think and Read About Worry', by Corrie Ten Boom and woman who hid Jews during the war and spent time in a concentration camp. The latter part of her life was all about healing and reconciliation between victims and perpetrators of the war.

Worry is about carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength - carrying two days in one. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. There is just one day in the calendar of action, that is today. Planning should include a wide swing of days. But action belongs to one day only - today. We get tensed up about the uses up energy you need for today's business of living.

May you find the strength and grace you need today to let go of the worries that belong to the future.

Miriam x

Friday, June 15, 2012

Hello Friday

This week I'm loving.....
my very brave boy whose finger got jammed in a door and who has a pinky fracture but was an absolute star. Behaved like a little trouper, charmed the nurses, doctor, radiographer and asked so many beautiful questions and about why and how it was all happening.
I am loving my little boy who built his brother a crane to 'cheer him up' while he was at the doctor. My littlest man who loves to bake and especially loves to make gingerbread and managed to handle the hand mixers on his own making them.
I love sitting in front of the fire when it is cold outside.
Being asked to do some modelling. The lovely Nin is having a sale with some of her comfy, lovely tops and she asked me to model them for her. It's a real ego boost when someone wants to take your picture in their beautiful clothes.

and winners.... I keep forgetting to pick the winners for my May giveaway. Congrats to Max and happygrape2- and thanks to Jolene for such an awesome prize. Please keep an eye on your email for an email from Jolene. June giveaway coming up soon.
what have you stopped to enjoy this week?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Can I Just Say....

I now have an About Me page....
what'd'ya think?
Be nice I took some time on it!!

Make My Week # 24 -Daddy Rowing A Boat

I am developing a family art wall in our place
My boys don't do a lot of art, mainly they've been too busy playing outside to make stuff but when Flip did a special drawing of an 'Octopus in the Shower' at 4 I wanted to keep it so I turned it into a stitched picture
The other day Bounce drew a picture of 'Daddy Rowing a Boat' on a wee scrap of paper and it was so sweet I decided to do the same.

He is so proud of having something he has drawn turned into a sewing by mama
What are you making at the moment??
Do you have a fireside project for winter??
Do you have a special way of celebrating your children's artworks?

Click on the 'Our Creative Spaces' button in my sidebar for more wonderful inspiration

 Read More - My Boys Stitching
Our Family Baking Creations
My Crafty Makings

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - In The Snow

Last Wednesday it snowed in Christchurch
 Really, really snowed in thick blankets
So in the interests of sharing this is what I wore when I went outside (rather briefly!)

Jeans - river island - hand me down
Boots - from my sister - I think The Warehouse
Coat - Handmade by me from old wool blankets and with needle felting
Hat - off cast from one of my sisters I think - crocheted cream cap

Check out what is going on in other people's wardrobes over here
Wardrobe Wednesday at

Read More:
My latest handmade dress
The PJs I made
May's summary of the same dress 4 ways
or to have a look at what else I've been wearing on Wednesdays

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

B.M.W.B #24 - Dr Suess

Last week we had a Dr. Suess party.

I have been so looking forward to my boys being old enough to enjoy a 'party for no reason' party.

To swell the numbers and the excitement we made an invitation and invited another family.

For dinner we had chicken nuggets, wedges with blue and red sauce and 'make-your-own' pizzas.

For dessert we had Truffla Tree cupcakes, One Fish Jellies, Dr Suess Hat Stacks,

Truffla Seeds, Marshmallow Pops

We played 'I Can Do That' which is a Dr Suess game and very family friendly

Read stories together by the fire and had fun

Everyone was invited to come dressed up in their PJs with a crazy hat or hair

Bounce went as a Barbaloot (The Lorax), Flip went as Thing One (Cat In the Hat) and mummy and daddy just went crazy! (Notice I am actually the only person looking at the camera in this photo???)

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other.  

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be. 

Read More:
Mystery Party for my 6 year-old
How to Make Marshmallow Pops
Family Awards Night