
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday and Make My Week #26

You remember I bought some fabric (very naughty!) recently. One of the pieces was a gorgeous piece of Japanese lawn that I have been using for my new header and buttons.

I didn't buy very much of it. I had an idea in my head to make a very simple over-sized t-shirt to wear with my high-waisted skirt.

Nin suggested I do french seams and gave me tips for using bias binding to face the neck and armholes. I love having a friend who is a 'qualified designer'.  Whenever I have questions about fabric or how I should sew something together. I did so french seams (my first time ever) and used the system Nin suggested but with knicker elastic instead of bias binding.

I used a pattern I found at an op-shop the other day. It's amazing how a little styling can make a difference don't you think??

I quite like the 'Corporate Barbie' look now and again.

Joining in on Warobe Wednesday here
Wardrobe Wednesday at
to see more of my wardrobe
and here on my pinterest page
Enjoying sharing makes and inspiration on Thursdays at Our Creative Spaces
I share my creative space on Village Voices
Other things I've made recently
Outfit breakdown

Skirt - catalyst bought about 9 years ago on sale
Top - made by me using an op-shop pattern
Tights - hand me down

Shoes - TKMaxx UK cheapies - falling apart!

Necklace - bought from a shop in Haethcote Valley - chch about 2 years ago

Earrings - gift from Korea

If I'm corporate barbie which barbie are you?


  1. I Love that fabric and the shirt looks lovely, well done you x

    1. The fabric is so lovely I love the 'lightness of touch' that seems to be common in Japanese design

  2. You looked so cute today. In my head I'd be Siren Barbie - a limited edition one

    1. oh oozing sexy!! you so have the hair for it!

  3. Love the outfit Miriram - especially the shoes. You're so talented and I love the vision you were able to translate into something special. I'd probably be... bossy barbie :)

    1. Ha ha bossy barbie!! Thanks for your compliments too!

  4. that looks fab teamed with the skirt....and I still love those shoes!!! I would say I'm a Cindy - Farmer, gumboots a must around here.... though I would aspire to be a Glamour Barbie one day!

    1. Yeah the country doesn't lend itself so well to stilettos huh!! :o)

  5. So so impressed by your sewing. This looks as gorgeous up close as it does from a distance!

  6. I was, am and will always be Barbie on Horseback! Top looks fab. Lovely fabric and recognise those tights. Looking forward to shopping in your wardrobe when we get home.

  7. You did suuuch a great job!

    The gathering looks FAB. Well done you! I love corporate barbie!


  8. Hey Miriam that top looks great and I imagine the fabric is so lovely to wear.

    I'm with Hoontz....not a Barbie but a gal, wearing gumboots, but definitely
    a stylish pair, hehe....

    CLaire :}

    1. Hi Claire the fabric is so soft and fine which makes it a treat to wear. I too believe in stylish gumboots!

  9. The top is nice. The whole outfit looks great. I love your colour combinations.


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