
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Make My Week # 24 -Daddy Rowing A Boat

I am developing a family art wall in our place
My boys don't do a lot of art, mainly they've been too busy playing outside to make stuff but when Flip did a special drawing of an 'Octopus in the Shower' at 4 I wanted to keep it so I turned it into a stitched picture
The other day Bounce drew a picture of 'Daddy Rowing a Boat' on a wee scrap of paper and it was so sweet I decided to do the same.

He is so proud of having something he has drawn turned into a sewing by mama
What are you making at the moment??
Do you have a fireside project for winter??
Do you have a special way of celebrating your children's artworks?

Click on the 'Our Creative Spaces' button in my sidebar for more wonderful inspiration

 Read More - My Boys Stitching
Our Family Baking Creations
My Crafty Makings


  1. Unbelievably cute, this is such a wonderful idea! I'm still at work on my braided rug, but planning on making claud a pair of mitten from some 70's ski-esq dabric i opshopped in the next couple of days. I sometime cut clauds pictures up to put on home made greetings cards, and i use them as wrapping Paper too, but she crayons constantly so there is a never ending supply, though i faves get stuck on her wall

    1. We do get the odd kindy painting but it never seemed to capture them the way the sand and outside play does

  2. Very sweet. It's a great idea and nice to have two together.

  3. Fab idea Miriam....... great way to capture their artwork.

    I was lucky to get any pics from my son when he was little, but I do have a small collection.
    My fireside project is finishing off the hand stitching for my market makes.
    Sitting under a bright lamp, by the heater in the evenings. A nice way to enjoy these cold Winter there's always some crochet action taking place.....

    Claire :}

    1. Thanks... I'm starting to feel like I'm really missing out being a non-crocheter!

  4. These are soo cool - its a great way to see kids creativity rather than the splodges of paint on paper. The embroidery hoops make their little creations so much more precious looking. nice

    1. For my boys I think they both felt really special when I took the time to do it with their art

  5. I am impressed! How proud must your boys feel! Did you trace them?

    1. sort of... ideally you put the drawing on the window or light box and place the fabric over the top and trace so you get it really accurate. I did this at night so it was a tad harder!

  6. Hi there Miriam ... very nice to find you! I love these pieces & I just have got to tell you about a project that I am working on at our Church ...I don't know if you happen to live in Melbourne but you can still be involved & the little art works would fit the theme perfectly ... so here's your invitation might even like to help me spread the word? just lovely ...

    Blessings, Wendy

    1. Hi Wendy - that looks really sweet. Love the concept

  7. That is such a lovely idea :)


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