
Saturday, June 30, 2012

B.M.W.B # 26 - Building Dialogue

This week we had a wonderful time playing a game from one of the books I inherited from my Mother in Law.
We made our way up and down the hallway in as many ways as possible. Each person had to make up a way that someone else hadn't done yet.
The Atlas got home a bit early so we got to all enjoy it together.

One of the things I love about The Atlas is how intentional he is about being in our boys live. Often he and Flip (and now Bounce too) lie on the bed together just after songs and prayers and talk about their day. Last night I went past the room and heard The Atlas talking about what he had for lunch - so sweet!

There is something about taking time at the end of the day to let the boys process and give them space and time to say what they want to say that builds dialogue. Our boys don't tell us heaps about the goings on of kindy and school but this special time with Daddy makes space for the important things that occupy the thoughts of a 6-year-old and a 3-year-old. I love The Atlas - I have a lot to learn from him.

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other.  
Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.

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