
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Yeah I Made It 27/52 - The Best Dress

'Sup Lovelies?

So I recently entered 2 versions of the same dress in The Monthly Stitch Indie Pattern Month challenges.

This is one I made from IKEA fabric, which I have had for a while but was planning to make a coat from, I didn't have enough fabric and then they sold out. It's from a company called Simple Sew and it's called the Ruby dress. It is a very simple make, although the instructions are pretty simple too...

Because the fabric is intended for furnishing it is really heavy and that's what makes the skirt part stick out so beautifully.

I absolutely love this dress.

The first day I wore it to school and I walked into my first class for the day and one of the children asked, "What are you teaching us today?" - long story I teach several subjects. One of the other students replied with considerable contempt in her voice, "Art obviously, look at what she is wearing." So funny. I had no idea that I dressed for the subject - but I probably do!

The next time I wore this dress I was waiting to cross the road at the lights and a man ran up to me and asked where I got my dress from and then launched into a conversation about the fabric and the designer and said how much he loved it. Then he told me he is a a street fashion photographer and was bummed he didn't have his camera. Can I just say, me too!!

Anyway - outfit for the win! I am so thrilled with it and I can see it will be a go to dress when I want to feel special.

How about you? What is your go-to I need to feel special outfit?

love you more than being stopped by a stranger to admire my outfit xxx

*** edited to add I made the finals! Whoot. If you want to see the wonderful finalists and vote for your favourite please do here. ****

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