
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

In My Neighbourhood - Booknook & Bean

Hello virtual travellers,

Just recently a rather scabby part of Adelaide, a carparking underpass area, has been transformed with a series of cute shops and finds. I'm sure I'll be back to check out all the bits but today The Atlas and I had a coffee date at this wonderful place.

Small but cute it serves drinks and a few pastries. I had the orange hot chocolate and The Atlas had the white hot chocolate. They were good. There was quite a few hot chocolate flavours and seeing as I am still too immature to drink coffee I am very excited by this.

The thing I loved most though is the second hand book wall. As part of the cafe/coffee shop they have shelves of donated books and an honesty box in the middle. The books aren't priced and if you ask they'll suggest you donate from $2-10 depending on what you feel the book is worth.

None of the money goes into the till. All money is used for Kiva (microloan company) and when the loans are repaid they'll reinvest it. Definitely check out Kiva it's a great idea for helping to empower people the world over.

I donated seven books today and bought 3, strictly to support the cause you realise!! ;o)

If you are in Adelaide and want a hot drink or to be inspired by how urban eye-sores and dejected spaces can be revitalised and awesome then you should definitely check out topham mall.

love you more than a feel-good hot chocolate xxx

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