
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Yeah I Made It...10/52 Photo Books

The last 2 years I have participated in the 52 project where you take a photo of your child every week.

It might be true that I am several years behind in printing my photos, yes! but I have managed to upload the 52 (ish ++) photos from each week of last year. I did the year before too and it makes me happy to think of these being a little record that belongs to them as they grow.

The boys are thrilled to have these and we have so enjoyed looking through them and talking about our memories of the year that has been.

Now to get the photos from 2014 organised and printed. I'm a convert to photo books now so much less work than getting photos and an album and putting them all in... I'll add that to the goals list.

Happy memories for 2 special boys - sorted and done. Are you up to date with printing your photos?

Sometimes I wonder that even though children these days are so well photographed how many of them will have any physical records or if they'll disappear with the speed of technology??

love you more than a tick off the to do list xxx

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