
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Reading - A Guest Post by Flip

The Dismal Daffodil: The Cryptic Casebook of Coco Carlomagno by Ursula Dubosarsky

This book is about a daffodil that is bending over in the Japanese garden. Senor Gardinero is worried about it because he thinks some criminals have done it. He calls in Coco Carlomagno and Coco asks his cousin Alberta to help him.

I really liked it because it had loads of puzzles included in the chapters that I could solve. Some were problems like speaking backwards, maths problems and other things.

My favourite character was Alberta because she solved the whole mystery.

A funny bit in the book was Senor Gardinero always makes paper flowers ans sends them to Coco and once he even sent him a book how to make them.

I think children who are 5-7 would enjoy having it read to them and children who are 7+ could read it on their own.

Published by Allen and Unwin $9.99 Aus, May 2014

Love from Flip

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