
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Me Made May - Week One

So here is my line up of Me Made wearing for May. Sorry about the average photos - meh, I'm obviously not sorry enough to make more effort! :o) x

Thursday 1st - My super 'everyday awesome' dress.  The pattern is Simplicity 2884. Worn with shoes from TradeMe (like ebay).

Friday 2nd - This dress has denim sides and a 2 ended zip that goes all the way up the back. The central panel was a quilting idea that didn't work so I thought I'd integrate it into a dress. I'd still like to make a full denim dress at some point. Tights gift from someone who bought them and didn't like them. Shoes TradeMe. Necklace made for me by Bounce.

Saturday 3rd - my little house on the prairie dress. The pattern is New Look 6699. Dress fabric bought in Adelaide. Cardi from Temt a couple of years ago. Hair bow made by Holly. Necklace made by me. Shoes from Goodwill store in Adelaide.

Sunday 4th - Another New Look pattern 6805. This is one of my favourite dresses and I always get so many compliments on it. I think it's the amazing Echino fabric paired with voile that makes it. Socks from Sportsgirl - how can I resist neon and lace?? Shoes Trade Me. Necklace - whale, me made.

Monday 5th - I adore the fabric of this dress, it reminds me of William Morris. The dress is a New Look pattern 6000 (again!) and apart from taking some darts into the back neckline to deal with the gapeyness it's a standard follow the pattern job. Boots are Camper that The Atlas bought me about 10 (!) years ago. So comfy - quality does stand the test of time. Necklace me-made and silver bracelet from a second hand shop and bow ring a childhood gift from a friend.

Tuesday 6th - new stretch dress made from some fabric I bought at the ASG fringe event. I'll be talking more about it tomorrow. :o) Shoes - the warehouse. Necklace - oxfam. New hair do (I cut off Mondays version of it because I really don't like how my hair comes home from the hairdresser all blow-dried and straight - I was looking a bit page boy TBH!) The Atlas and I both dig a scruffy look.

as seems to be the case for me I always realise in cooler weather that I have a lack of warm me-mades. Something I should work on perhaps??

love you more than weather and outfit planning coming together perfectly xxx

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