
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Make My Week - Op Shop Clock

I have to confess a little here - I'm a little (just a little) obsessed with time.

It drives me a little (just a little) loco when I can't see the time. Also, I hardly ever wear a watch (it's too hot and last year I lost my watch for about 7 months and I sort of got used to it)..... anyway I like to be able to see the time in any room I'm in.

Long preamble to justify the $2 purchase of this clock:

not a bad specimen but hardly inspiring so I got to work with some washi tape whilst watching Sherlock on TV and here is the result:

As I already owned the tape I'd define this as a successful $2 project. I think it would be nice of you to not notice the finger marks on the face of the clock - I do need to buy a microfibre cloth. You could notice, however, the amazing job I did matching up all those little wee triangles around the face, yes I am impressed too.

Joining in with practically perfect (just like Mary Poppins) Leonie and other clever crafters.

 Show & Tell Thursday's

love you more than being able to see the time and watch tv simultaneously xxx

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