
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In My Neighbourhood - the central market

A series of posts about my adventures in Adelaide, just because I know you'd love to be here with me 

The first week we arrived here I had a tour of the central markets. The Atlas had bought a voucher for me and made the booking for my birthday gift just after he got the job.

I was treated to a personalised tour because I was the only one who had booked and they couldn't get hold of me to reschedule, clearly I didn't mind!

The Central Markets are basically a huge produce market that run 5ish days a week - everything is definitely open Tuesday to Saturday and some are open other days too. Friday is the big day 7am to 9pm.Wednesday is an optional day for the stall holders, but many are open then too.

The market itself has been running 140 years and still has some of the original stalls operated by family members of original sellers.

If it's food you want, this is the place to come. Meats, cured meats, cheeses, bakery items, oils, honeys, nuts, yoghurts, gelato, dried fruits, ... and of course fresh fruit and veges.

The markets are gorgeous - just what I like in produce markets. Lots of colour, variety (I'm going to get some crocodile mince and make crocodile burgers for the boys one night), locals and random shopping 'trolleys'.

The locals shop here and there is a lot of life and variety going on. On Friday nights there is often live music playing too and during Fridays a number of stalls have tastings. During school holidays they also seem to have some children's activities and I may try to book the boys in to do a 'little chefs' class next time around.

Alongside the market there is also a busy, predominantly Asian, food hall that offers good, fast, reasonable and authentic street and takeaway style food.

If you like food and you are visiting Adelaide this is a good place to while away some hours, money and calories.

Love you more than a tub of gelato on a hot day xxx

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