
Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I haven't stopped with becoming the mama I want to be I just haven't been posting it.

Mainly I posted it for the last 2 years as commitment to myself to find something every week to do with my boys. Something small, sometimes creative, usually a little different than the every day.

I don't feel the same need to make that commitment here this year but I still hold it in my heart. Perhaps now and again I'll share something particularly successful, or just do a post to make the far-away grandies feel happy.

This Saturday I bought a $3 packet of pipe cleaners and we sat together at the table making little creatures.

I gave them free reign on the pipe cleaners and my awesome coloured stick on googly eyes (yes I have them in my craft draw). I bought them from the warehouse actually and I wish I bought more. I think they were $3 and they are self adhesive too, just in case anyone is feeling generous!! :o)

It is against my natural type just to let them go for it with 'nice' crafting things, and when we moved I discovered stacks and stacks of gorgeous paper, and stickers and funny rub off letters that had been sitting in the garage (and other places) waiting for a special activity. And I gave them all away - to someone who will let their kinds use them all up in an afternoon on some random project, I hope.

So this year I am intentionally looking for ways to add little bits of crafty goodness to a box for the boys and to let them use it all instead of save it for a special project that never comes.

In the end there were some pipe cleaners left but there is also a whole 'zoo' enclosure with ladders and swings and animals made from pipe cleaners, and there was play and connection and generosity (on my part, in my heart).

Do you save things? Do you love to use things up? Do you always keep a little bit back - just in case?

Simple. Intentional. Achievable
Becoming the Mama I Want to Be

love you more than an empty packet and a full heart xxxx

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