
Monday, February 17, 2014

Apartment Living

So, we live in an apartment over here, which is pretty cool. Although, if you set your fire alarm off burning toast you have the whole building to answer to and the $$$ fire engine bill to pay - which I must confess kinda stresses me out a little!

Anyway fast forward to Sunday afternoon. It's 5.30 the boys are lounging about in their underwear (it's like 40 degrees remember) and I'm chatting with my sister on the phone.

Whilst doing this I decide to pop my pyjamas on, because you know it's Sunday afternoon already and it's time to let yourself go!

Cue - fire alarm. (not ours thankfully)

Cue - people standing around on their balconies looking totally unconcerned.

Cue - The Atlas shoves on a shirt and shorts and we evacuate. You know, because we are awesome parents who don't want our children to burn to death and we always evacuate, even in NZ when we know it was just just setting it off by burning toast. That's how we roll.

Cue - we are the only people that roll that way.

Cue - I am evacuating in my summer pyjamas in full daylight, and they aren't flattering.

Cue - we get to the bottom and The Atlas says 'oops. I forgot to bring the scan card'

Cue - we are now locked out of our building with no-one else, because they didn't evacuate.

Cue - buzz your neighbours, have awkward conversation and ask them to let you back in.

Cue - gratefulness that you asked them over for afternoon tea on Australia Day.

Apartment living aye? It's awesome for the pyjama exhibitionist in all of us.

love you more than a flattering pair of summer pjs xxx

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