
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We Recommend - The Feel Good Factor - for the mama's

Sometimes the mama's get it tough when it comes to Christmas - if they don't buy their own gift the might not have one under the tree! So this week I'm recommending traditional with a twist! Chocolate and underwear??  The chocolate and underwear feel good factor?

Sure lovely lingerie is...well...uncomfortable lovely. But really the kind of underwear I'm looking for under the tree is about the feel-good-all-day factor :o)

So this week I'm saying I think decent undies are awesome. For me, should I lose my summer dress to a gust of wind in front of the dairy at 3.30pm with a group of preteens standing behind me (sadly for them a true story!), these are the kind of undies I want to be wearing.

Pretty much Thunderpants are the kind of undies I'd like to get.

Good coverage - check
Funky fabric to counteract grandma style coverage - check
Made in NZ of organic cotton - check
Comfortable for the whole day - check

Even though I know Santa has a whole dedicated section of his workshop producing underwear that is none of the above, I'd kind of like him to slip past thunderpants on the way and get me some of these instead. Are you hearing me? And I know next time my dress blows up these are what you'd prefer to see too!!

Whilst I have my comfy, cover all, stretchy undies on, ahem, let's talk chocolate. It's a widely acknowledged fact that child labour is used in the chocolate industry. Um hi??? Not the kind of Christmas cheer I'd like to be spreading!! Christmas is so about children for me; the gift of that history-changing baby and there is no way I can enjoy my Christmas chocolate on the back of child labour.

So this Christmas instead of buying me a box of some lovely expensive chocolates please, please can you buy me some fair trade chocolate instead? It's probably cheaper and it tastes better too.

This year I have actively chosen not to buy chocolate that isn't fair trade. I know we can't all afford to go organic, free-range, fair trade everything but chocolate is a treat and not a need (even though it feels like a need some days!). It's something I don't have to buy so if I am going to buy it I want to be considered about it.

Enter Trade Aid (I know again right! I do bang on about them). Not only do they do amazing milk and dark chocolate bars (50g and 200g bars) - which can often be bought at New World as well as some cafes and their stores - they also do a new range of 100g bars. Even better it's now being made right here in NZ.  Check out the flavours:

  • Dark Salt Toffee Crisp - perfect if you like toffee crunchy bits and a salty tang
  • Dark Mint Crisp - my favourite, dark, minty happiness!
  • Dark Sri Lankan Spice - ginger, chilli, cinnamon - grown up chocolate that is perfect for a refined palate.
  • Dark Sweet Almond - perfect for the nut lover in your life.
  • 70% Dark - Dark chocolate, pure and as it should be

I have kindly put myself on the line for you and tried several all of the flavours - all by myself - I don't share chocolate! At $3.99 a bar I think this is both meaningful and treat-y and makes a great gift all by itself or to accompany something else.

Please if you are buying me (or someone) chocolate as a gift this year make it a treat that doesn't oppress children. Let's make chocolate companies accountable by voting with our dollars.

Other chocolate that is fair trade (check for the logo - just because one of their bars is fair it doesn't mean their whole range is) Green & Blacks - all of their bars are fair trade and organic and very tasty! also Cadbury Milk Chocolate and Whittakers Milk and Dark Ghana.

Links provided for your shopping pleasure :o)

So what are you recommending this week?
What are you hoping Santa slips under the tree for you? or What have you wrapped ready to slip under the tree for yourself?

Love you more than a chocolate coma whilst watching the Biggest Loser. xxx

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